EMS General Assembly discusses net-zero pledge & 25-year anniversary

Traditionally, the sessions of the two main EMS bodies – the General Assembly and the Council – take place in the autumn, around the EMS Annual Meeeting.

The EMS Council met for a virtual session in the week before the Bratislava event, and

  • made final decisions on the imminent EMS Europhotometeo competition EPM2024, by approving the organising committee and pre-selection committee members; the competition opens 15 November;
  • approved the new ECS Member on the CoM and extended the terms of three other members for 3 years: we are delighted to welcome Alice Portal, who succeeds Carola Detring, this year’s EMS Outstanding Contribution Awardee.
  • approved one new member on the EMS Awards Committee;
  • approved the plans to launch a Journal of the EMS (JEMS) and tasked the EMS Bureau to finalize a contract with the preferred publisher to start JEMS in January 2024; the plans have been announced during the EMS2023 Welcoming session by the outgoing President Bert Holtslag who will serve as a co-Editor-in-Chief together with Johannes Schmetz.

Already in June, Council voted by correspondence to establish a new Media Award: The EMS Communicating Weather & Climate Award. This new award is announced for the first time in 2024, and replaces the former EMS Broadcast Meteorologist Award and EMS Media Weather Forecast Award: see the full Media Award programme

Participants of the EMS General Assembly on 3 September 2023: on screen: Anastasia Christou, Cyprus. Onsite: kneeling (left to right): Miloslav Müller (Czech Republic), Jadran Jurković (Croatia); standing (left to right): Rainer Dominique (Vaisala, Germany), Meda Andrei (Romania), Stella Kafka (AMS), Tanja Cegnar (Slovenia), Dino Zardi (Italy), Joanna Wibig (Poland), Martina Junge (EMS), Heinke Schlünzen (Germany), Bert Holtslag (outgoing President), Liz Bentley (incoming President), Ekaterina Batchvarova (Bulgaria), Paulina Valova (Slovakia), Dominique Marbouty (France), Dick Blaauboer (CoM chair), Marc Prohom (Spain), Ernesto Rodriguez-Camino (Spain), Monika Lakatos (Hungary), Sven-Erik Gryning (Denmark) [photo: A. Oestreich]EMS General Assembly

Five days later, representatives of EMS Members met in Bratislava for the 25th EMS General Assembly; the meeting was held as a hybrid event, with five people joining the session online.

The General Assembly was a lively event as it discussed a possible EMS net-zero pledge, activities related to the 25-year anniversary of the EMS in 2024, and how to improve exchange of experience between the EMS Members.

For the later, two initiatives were started: developing a multilingual vocabulary of meteorological terms, and starting a webinar series with varied content like presentation of books, results from the photo competition, discussion of hot topics, etc. Ideas were collected for the 25-year anniversary celebrations. The outcome of discussions on EMS aiming to become a net-zero organisation was a strong yes, the EMS should make a pledge; six goups have discussed what would be the opportunities, and the challenges. Based on the discussion, Liz Bentley, the new EMS President, will draft a paper to Council for the next meeting, how to approach this and how to get there, including suggestions on collecting benchmarking data.
The discussions on all these three items are reflected in the minutes of the General Assembly session.

The Assembly also elected two new Council members starting in 2023, for a three-year term:

  • The Hrvatsko meteorološko društvo (HMD, Croatia) will be represented on the EMS Council by Vesna Đuričić, the current HMD President.
  • The Cyprus Meteorological Association (CY.MET.A.) will be represented on the EMS Council by Anastasia Christou, currently the Treasurer of CY.MET.A..

All about Council sessions, including minutes of past meetings, and about General Assemblies:


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