Awards Committee
- Support excellence in young European scientists
- Support the participation in EMS sponsored conferences of outstanding students and young scientists
- Announcement of the EMS Silver Medal, the Young Scientist Award (YSA) and the Young Scientist Conference Awards (YSCAs)
- Selection process for the YSCAs and the YSA
- Evaluation of nominations for the Silver Medal and development of a recommendation to Council for a final decision.
- Announcement of the Media Awards in collaboration with the Media and Communication Committee; specific selection committees for these awards are determined by the EMS Council on an annual basis.
Detailed descriptions of the awards, forthcoming announcements and information on earlier recipients are published under the Awards section.
The Committee members
The EMS Awards Committee consists of at least five senior scientists, working in Europe; they should either be a member of one of the EMS Member Societies or a member/staff of an EMS Associate Member. The membership of the Committee is approved by the EMS Council. The current members are:
Earlier Members of the Awards Committee
- Carlos Yagüe, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
Committee member 2011-2024 - Gunilla Svensson, Stockholm University, Sweden
Committee member 2021-2024 - Mojca Dolinar, ARSO, Slovenia
Committee member 2013-2023, Chair 2018-2021. - Fulvio Stel, ARPA FVG, Italy
Committee member 2011-2021 - Jenni Rauhala, FMI Finland
Committee member 2008-2021 - Manfred Wendisch, Head of the Atmospheric Radiation Group at the Leipzig Institute for Meteorology
Committee member 2018-2021 - Guðrún Nína Petersen, Research Scientist at the Icelandic Meteorological Office
Committee member 2011-2018, Chair 2015 – 2018 - Jean-Noël Thépaut, Head of the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) and Deputy Director of Copernicus Services at ECMWF
Committee member 2013-2018 - Hilppa Gregow: Unit Head of Climate Service Centre of the FMI in Helsinki.
Committee member 2014, standing in for Jenni Rauhala - Johannes Schmetz: Chief Scientist at EUMETSAT (until 2015)
Committee member 2008-2013, Chair 2011 – 2013 - Sarah Jones: Head of Business Area Research and Development, Germany
Committee member 2007-2012 - Hans Richner: ETH Zurich, SGM, Switzerland
Committee member 2002-2011 - Dario Giaiotti: ARPA-OSMER, Palmanova; Italy
Chair of the Committee 2007-2011 - The late Werner Wehry: Professor of FU Berlin, DMG, Germany
Chair of the Committee 2002-2007
Terms of Reference
approved by the EMS Council at the 27th Session on 9 September 2012, Lódz, Poland.
- Mission
- Role and Tasks
- Membership
- Meetings
- Reporting Procedures
- Additional Regulations
1. Mission
The EMS Awards Committee is responsible for:
- the evaluation and ranking of the candidates for the EMS Silver Medal which is provided to the EMS Council for decision
- the selection of a candidate for the EMS Young Scientist Award
- the selection of candidates for Young Scientist Travel Awards.
The administrative support to pursue those tasks is provided by the EMS Secretariat.
It is noted that Media Awards are administered by the EMS Media Team in concurrence of the Awards Committee. The specific Terms of reference (ToR) for these awards apply.
2. Role and Tasks
The tasks of the committee include:
- review of nominations for the EMS Silver Medal and establishment of a qualified ranking list which will be provided to the EMS Council for the final decision on the recipient.
- selection of the recipient of the EMS Young Scientist Award
- selection of recipients of Young Scientist Travel Awards
- contributing to the selection committees for the EMS Media Awards according to the specific Terms of Reference.
- support and advice to the EMS Council with regard to any issues related to internal or external award schemes.
The EMS Secretariat provides the administration and management support to the tasks and activities of the Awards Committee.
3. Membership
The EMS Awards Committee consists of at least five senior scientists, working in Europe; they should either be a member of one of the EMS Member Societies or a member/staff of an EMS Associate Member.
The membership of the Committee is approved by the EMS Council. Proposals for membership can be made by the chair of the Committee, any current EMS Council representative, and all Member Societies. The Committee members are nominated by the Council for a three-year term; successive nominations are possible without limit to the total term.
The chair of the Committee is nominated by the EMS Council for a three-year term. Successive terms are possible without limit to the total term.
4. Meetings
The Awards Committee works mainly through telecommunications.
5. Reporting procedures
The Awards Committee shall report to the EMS Council.
6. Additional regulations
a. Budget
The EMS Council in its annual budget earmarks appropriate funds for the purpose of funding the award schemes. Depending on these funds the Awards Committee may decide on the number and monetary amount of YSTAs assigned to specific events. The prizes of the EMS Silver Medal and the Young Scientist Award are specified in the respective Terms of Reference and can only be modified by a Council decision.
b. Responsibilities
The Awards Committee members acknowledge that they are privy to confidential information and shall not make public comments in regard to the awards, recommendations, decisions and outcomes of the committee or deliberations of the committee.
c. Declaration of Conflict of interest
Should a conflict of interest arise in the evaluation of award candidates or applicants, the Committee member shall declare this and abstain from the evaluation of that specific candidate.
d. Revisions
The Committee may propose to the EMS Council revisions to the Terms of Reference on the basis of emerging needs and requirements.