EMS Outstanding Contribution Award for early career scientist

Carola Detring, Germany, is the 2023 EMS Outstanding Contribution Awardee.The EMS is delighted to present this award to a young scientist, having already made important contributions to the community at an early stage of her career.

Carola Detring Carola Detring (right) receiving the certificate for the Outstanding Contribution Award 2023 from incoming President Liz Bentleyis honoured for her important initiatives to develop a European network of early career scientists in the framework of the EMS and connecting to relevant partner networks.”

Carola Detring works at the DWD and is the chair the DMG youth section jungeDMG and a member of EMS Committee on Meetings.

Though in the early stages of her career, Carola has already taken a unique responsibility for the young meteorologists’ community. In 2018 she became 1st chairwoman of the German young scientists’ group within the German Met Society DGM ( https://www.emetsoc.org/young-german-meteorologists/ and https://www.emetsoc.org/founding-of-jdmg/) of which she was a founding member. Since 2020, she is member of the EMS Committee on Meetings and also started initiatives at the European level, and specifically for/at the EMS Annual Meetings to develop opportunities for Europe-wide interaction.

As the responsible organiser, she was committed to establish MeteoXchange, as an open platform for early career scientists in the field of meteorology and climatology to exchange their experience, discuss scientific and career questions. Within this framework she organises regular events (MeteoMeet) to which senior researchers are invited to talk about specific fields of research, the opportunities at their institutions, and examples of how research fields develop: https://www.emetsoc.org/meteoxchange/ and https://www.meteoxchange.de/meteomeet/previous-meteomeets-2/  Also, a major project continues to be the annual MeteoXchange ECS Conferences, an exclusive virtual conference for early career scientists in Atmospheric Sciences and related disciplines.
Carola also organised the first virtual networking icebreaker for ECS at the virtual EMS Annual Meeting 2021: https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EMS2021/session/41773 and the Early Career Scientists networking lunch during the EMS2022 through collaboration with the University Partnership for Atmospheric Sciences (UPAS; Germany).

Carola’s experience as a young scientist helped in CoM to introduce platforms that worked for online events and the Annual Meeting. With all these experiences Carola represented the EMS at the AMS Annual Meeting 2022, giving a presentation about the activities of MeteoXchange and EMS for and with early career scientists, making first connections with the AMS Board for Early Career Professionals.


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