EMS NewsImpressions from the EMS2023 in Bratislava
Impressions from the EMS2023 in Bratislava
Unless otherwise mentioned photos were taken by Daniel Zachar, Bratislava.
Daniel Ševčovič, Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of Comenius University, at the Welcome Session
Part of the Exhibition and the registration desk
The audience of the Welcome & Strategic Lectures: Europe and droughts & Honouring 2023 Awardees
EMS president Liz Bentley, with Anders Sivle, one of the representatives of Yr, the winner of the Technology Achievement Award 2023
EMS2023 -Theodoros Economou (award winner; left), Marie Doutrioux-Boucher (EUMETSAT; chair OPA committee) and Bert Holtslag, outgoing EMS President): Announcement of the winning poster and author Outstanding Poster Award at the closing ceremony of EMS2023 in Bratislava (photo: J. Jeuring, Norway, member of selection committee)
From left to right: Tanja Cegnar (Media and Communication Team), Liz Bentley (EMS president), Juan Carbone, one of theTromp Foundation Travel Awardees 2023
Daniel Ševčovič, Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of Comenius University, at the Welcome & Strategic Lectures: Europe and droughts & Honouring 2023 Awardees session
The desk of the Slovakian Hyddrological & Meteorological Service (SHMU)
Bert Holtslag, EMS President until September 2023, at the Welcome & Strategic Lectures: Europe and droughts & Honouring 2023 Awardees session
Paulína Valová, President of the Slovakian Meteorological Society, welcopming all EMS2023 participants to Bratislava on behalf of SMS and all the hosts
Tanja Cegnar (Media and Communication Team) andOle Mathismoen, one of the Journalistic Awardees, during the Media Awards Session
Martin Benko, Director of the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute SHMU givng the Welcome address at the EMS2023 Welcome session
Scott Sheridan, International Society of Biometeorology President, at the Welcome & Strategic Lectures: Europe and droughts & Honouring 2023 Awardees session
ert Holtslag, EMS President until September 2023, at the Welcome & Strategic Lectures: Europe and droughts & Honouring 2023 Awardees session
From left to right: Rasmus Benestad, Tanja Cegnar, and Zornitsa Spasova, one of the Journalistic Awardees
During a coffee break
Welcome & Strategic Lectures: Europe and droughts & Honouring 2023 Awardees: Discussions during a break
EMS President Liz Bentley with Georgia Lazoglou, one of the EMS Young Scientist Conference Awardees 2023
EMS2023 -Theodoros Economou (award winner; left), Marie Doutrioux-Boucher (EUMETSAT; chair OPA committee) and Bert Holtslag, outgoing EMS President): Announcement of the winning poster and author Outstanding Poster Award at the closing ceremony of EMS2023 in Bratislava (photo: H. Schlünzen)
Anna Smetanova, strategic project manager in Global Water Partnership Central and Eastern Europe, during her Strategic Lecture “Towards a Drought Resilient Society”
Stella Kafka, AMS Executive Director & CEO, at the Welcome & Strategic Lectures: Europe and droughts & Honouring 2023 Awardees session
Paulína Valová, President of the Slovakian Meteorological Society, at the of the Welcome & Strategic Lectures: Europe and droughts & Honouring 2023 Awardees session
During a coffee break
The audience of the Welcome & Strategic Lectures: Europe and droughts & Honouring 2023 Awardees
Journalistic Award 2023 – trophy and certificate for Zornitsa Spasova
The audience of the Welcome & Strategic Lectures: Europe and droughts & Honouring 2023 Awardees
Liz Bentley (left), the new EMS President, and Stella Kafka, AMS Executive Director & CEO, signing the renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding in September at the EMS2023 in Bratislava, Slovakia
Daniel Ševčovič, Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of Comenius University (left) and Martin Benko, Director of the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute, in the audience of the EMS2023 Welcome Session
Bert Holtslag, EMS President until September 2023, and Sarah Jones, the winner of the EMS Silver Medal 2023
EMS President Liz Bentley with the EMS Young Scientist Conference Awardees 2023 (from left to right: Cosimo Carniel, Georgia Lazoglou, and Alice Lake)
Zornitsa Spasova, one of the Journalistic Awardees, during the Media Awards Session
From left to right: Tanja Cegnar (Media and Communication Team), Liz Bentley (EMS president), Konrad Chmist, one of theTromp Foundation Travel Awardees 2023
Welcome to the EMS Annual Meeting 2023 in Bratislava, Slovakia
Liz Bentley (right), the new EMS President, and Stella Kafka, AMS Executive Director & CEO showing the signed letter to renew of the Memorandum of Understanding between EMS and AMS in September at the EMS2023 in Bratislava, Slovakia
Milan Chrenko, Minister of Environment of Slovak Republic, giving a Welcome address at the EMS2023 Opening Session
EMS 2023 Name badge pick-up & information desk with PCO Copernicus staff
Participants of the EMS General Assembly on 3 September 2023: on screen: Anastasia Christou, Cyprus.
Onsite: kneeling (left to right): Miloslav Müller (Czech Republic), Jadran Jurković (Croatia); standing (left to right): Rainer Dominique (Vaisala, Germany), Meda Andrei (Romania), Stella Kafka (AMS), Tanja Cegnar (Slovenia), Dino Zardi (Italy), Joanna Wibig (Poland), Martina Junge (EMS), Heinke Schlünzen (Germany), Bert Holtslag (outgoing President), Liz Bentley (incoming President), Ekaterina Batchvarova (Bulgaria), Paulina Valova (Slovakia), Dominique Marbouty (France), Dick Blaauboer (CoM chair), Marc Prohom (Spain), Ernesto Rodriguez-Camino (Spain), Monika Lakatos (Hungary), Sven-Erik Gryning (Denmark) [photo: A. Oestreich]
Harry Otten reveals the winner of the Harry Otten Prize 20123: Hamish Pritchard
From left to right: Jay Trobec, Rasmus Benestad (both Media&Communication Team), Pam Emch (Harry Otten Foundation), Magdalena Mittermeier (Ludwig-Maximilians University), Zornitsa Spasova, one of the Journalistic Awardees, and Gerald Fleming (Media&Communication Team)
Ole Mathismoen, one of the Journalistic Awardees, during the Media Awards Session
Rasmus Benestad during his presentation at the EMS2023 Media and communciation session
The Slovak Meteorological Society
The audience of the Welcome & Strategic Lectures: Europe and droughts & Honouring 2023 Awardees
From left to right: Tanja Cegnar (Media and Communication Team), Liz Bentley (EMS president), Nils Eingrüber, one of theTromp Foundation Travel Awardees 2023
Tanja Cegnar (Media and Communication Team) announcing awardees during the Welcome & Strategic Lectures: Europe and droughts & Honouring 2023 Awardees session
Rasmus Benestad, Norwegian Meteorological Institute, during a discussion
From left to right: Tanja Cegnar, Ole Mathismoen (one of the Journalistic Awardees), and Rasmus Benestad
The audience of the Welcome & Strategic Lectures: Europe and droughts & Honouring 2023 Awardees
Sarah Jones, the EMS Silver Medallist 2023
Paulína Valová, the President of the Slovakian Meteorological Society, host of the EMS2024
Liz Bentley (left), the EMS president, with Carola Detring, the winner of the Outstanding Contribution Award 2023
Tanja Cegnar, convenor of the Media and Communication session introduces her co-covenor Magdalena Mittermeier, Ludwig-Maximilians University Germany
The audience of the Welcome & Strategic Lectures: Europe and droughts & Honouring 2023 Awardees
The audience of the Welcome & Strategic Lectures: Europe and droughts & Honouring 2023 Awardees
Liz Ebert, Bureau of Meteorology , Australia, giving the laudation for the EMS Silver Medalist 2023, Sarah Jones (German Weather Service, DWD)
Carola Detring (right), the winner of the Outstanding Contribution Award 2023 with Liz Bentley, the EMS President 2023 – 2026
The audience of the Welcome & Strategic Lectures: Europe and droughts & Honouring 2023 Awardees
During a coffee break
EMS President Liz Bentley with Cosimo Enrico Carniel, one of the EMS Young Scientist Conference Awardees 2023
EMS2023 -Theodoros Economou (award winner; left), Marie Doutrioux-Boucher (EUMETSAT; chair OPA committee) and Bert Holtslag, outgoing EMS President): Announcement of the winning poster and author Outstanding Poster Award at the closing ceremony of EMS2023 in Bratislava (photo: J. Jeuring, Norway, member of selection committee)
Journalistic Award 2023 – trophy and certificate for Ole Mathismoen
From left to right: Tanja Cegnar (Media and Communication Team), Liz Bentley (EMS president), Nestoras Antoniou, one of theTromp Foundation Travel Awardees 2023
The audience of the Welcome & Strategic Lectures: Europe and droughts & Honouring 2023 Awardees
Milan Chrenko, Minister of Environment of Slovak Republic, at the Welcome & Strategic Lectures: Europe and droughts & Honouring 2023 Awardees session
The audience of the Welcome & Strategic Lectures: Europe and droughts & Honouring 2023 Awardees
Bert Holtslag, member of the selection committee for the Sergej Zilitinkevich Award, announcing the awardee Larry Mahrt who could not be present in person (photo by Gert-Jan Steeneveld)
The audience of the Welcome & Strategic Lectures: Europe and droughts & Honouring 2023 Awardees
Meeting zone
The audience of the Welcome & Strategic Lectures: Europe and droughts & Honouring 2023 Awardees
TFTAYS2023, from left to right: EMS president Liz Bentley, the awardees Nestoras Antoniou, Juan Carbone, Nils Eingrüber, Konrad Chmist, Anna Tzyrkalli, and Tanja Cegnar (Media and Communication Team)
Liz Bentley (right), the new EMS President, and Stella Kafka, AMS Executive Director & CEO showing the signed letter to renew of the Memorandum of Understanding between EMS and AMS in September at the EMS2023 in Bratislava, Slovakia
Dennis Schulze, Chairman of the Professional Trade Association for meteorological service providers (PRIMET), at the Welcome & Strategic Lectures: Europe and droughts & Honouring 2023 Awardees session
HOP2023, from left to right: Philipp Gasch, Irene Schicker, Jasmin Lampert, Harry Otten and the winner, Hamish Pritchard
The audience of the Welcome & Strategic Lectures: Europe and droughts & Honouring 2023 Awardees
Pam Emch, the chair of the board of the Harry Otten Foundation
EMS President Liz Bentley with the EMS Young Scientist Conference Awardees 2023 (from left to right: Cosimo Carniel, Georgia Lazoglou, and Alice Lake)
Liz Bentley (left), the new EMS President, and Stella Kafka, AMS Executive Director & CEO, sign the renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding in September at the EMS2023 in Bratislava, Slovakia
Pam Emch introduces the Harry Otten Prize 2023
Meeting zone
The finalists of the HOP2023, together with the Board Memebers of the HO Foundation and Harry Otten
Martin Benko, Director of the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute SHMU, at the Welcome & Strategic Lectures: Europe and droughts
The desk of the Slovakian Meteorological Society
Bert Holtslag, member of the selection committee for the Sergej Zilitinkevich Award, presenting the certificate to the awardee Sue Grimmond (photo by Gert-Jan Steeneveld)
Cosimo Carniel, one of the Young Scientist Conference Awardees, receives his certificate from EMS president Liz Bentley
EMS Silver Medal
Ingrid Stover (NRK, Norway; middle) and Anders Sivle (met.no; right) received the Technology Achievement Award 2023 for Yr by the incoming EMS President, Liz Bentley.
EMS President Liz Bentley and Anders Sivle
Kornelija Špoler Čanić, Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service DMHZ, presenting at the Media & Communication session
EMS President Liz Bentley with Alice Lake, one of the EMS Young Scientist Conference Awardees 2023
Scott Sheridan, International Society of Biometeorology President, at the Welcome & Strategic Lectures: Europe and droughts & Honouring 2023 Awardees session
Magdalena Mittermeier, Ludwig-Maximilians University Germany, presenting at the Media and Communications Session
Juan Carbone, one of the TFTAYS awardees, receives his certificate from EMS president Liz Bentley
Mateusz Taszarek (right), winner of the EMS Young Scientist Award 2023, Liz Bentley, the EMS president
From left to right: Tanja Cegnar (Media and Communication Team), Liz Bentley (EMS president), Anna Tzyrkalli, one of theTromp Foundation Travel Awardees 2023
Milan Chrenko, Minister of Environment of Slovak Republic, at the Welcome & Strategic Lectures: Europe and droughts & Honouring 2023 Awardees session
The audience of the Welcome & Strategic Lectures: Europe and droughts & Honouring 2023 Awardees
Bert Holtslag, EMS President until September 2023, at the Welcome & Strategic Lectures: Europe and droughts & Honouring 2023 Awardees session
Anders Sivle (right) and Jelmer Jeuring (middle) from met.no Norway receive certificate for Outstanding Poster Award 2022
Tanja Cegnar (Media and Communication Team) presenting the certificate to Ole Mathismoen
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