- approved by the EMS Council at the 27th Session on 9 September 2012, Lódz, Poland.
- revised by the EMS Council at the 45th Session on 3 February 2021
The EMS Young Scientist Conference Award (YSCA) is given to promising young or early-career scientists in order to support the participation in EMS-sponsored conferences and events and dissemination of results presented at these events, which may be physical meetings, virtual meetings using video conferencing tools, or hybrid events.
For meetings with physical attendance, the award shall consist of a certificate and prize money intended to cover registration fees and part of the travel expenses to the conference.
For virtual events, the award shall consist of a certificate and prize money intended to cover registration fees and/or part or all of the page charges for publishing the results presented at the event in a peer-reviewed open access journal.
Students attending universities in European countries, full or part-time, and young scientists working in European countries are eligible for the award. All countries with an EMS Member Society or included in the WMO RA VI region are considered as European. Candidates shall be under 35 years on the first of January of the calendar year in which the award is made.
To be considered for a YSCA the candidate has to send an application to the EMS.
Each application shall include a short curriculum vitae of the candidate, the abstract accepted/submitted for presentation at the conference, a supporting letter by a Member Society, EMS Associate Members or a supervisor or equivalent, explaining the achievements of the candidate and the relevance of the conference for her/his future career, and a proof of age.
Recipients of a Young Scientist Conference Award are considered and approved by the EMS Awards Committee.
The awardees are expected to provide a report on the conference for publication on the EMS Website until two weeks after the meeting.
The EMS Council assigns an annual budget for YSCAs; it lies within the remit of the Awards Committee to assign the number and monetary amount of conference awards to individual conferences. The EMS Awards Committee is entitled to approve specific procedures for the nomination and selection of candidates, in agreement with these Terms of Reference.
This award scheme is open for additional funding by Associate Members who may, with agreement by Council, allocate appropriate names to awards they fund through the EMS.