Young Scientist Conference Awards (YSCAs)

Young Scientist Conference Awards are awarded to support participation of outstanding students and young scientists at EMS-co-sponsored conferences. The award money is intended to cover registration fees and – depending on the conference format (physical/virtual) – either part of the travel expenses to the event or  the page charges for publishing the results presented at the event.
For current announcements open see below.

Young scientists under 35 years of age on the first of January of the respective year, working and/or studying in a European country are eligible for an award. All countries with an EMS Member Society or included in the WMO RA VI region are considered as European. For an overview of EMS Member Societies please consult the EMS Member site.

Terms of reference for Young Scientist Conference Awards

  • approved by the EMS Council at the 27th Session on 9 September 2012, Lódz, Poland.
  • revised by the EMS Council at the 45th Session on 3 February 2021

The EMS Young Scientist Conference Award (YSCA) is given to promising young or early-career scientists in order to support the participation in EMS-sponsored conferences and events and dissemination of results presented at these events, which may be physical meetings, virtual meetings using video conferencing tools, or hybrid events.

For meetings with physical attendance, the award shall consist of a certificate and prize money intended to cover registration fees and part of the travel expenses to the conference.
For virtual events, the award shall consist of a certificate and prize money intended to cover registration fees and/or part or all of the page charges for publishing the results presented at the event in a peer-reviewed open access journal.

Students attending universities in European countries, full or part-time, and young scientists working in European countries are eligible for the award. All countries with an EMS Member Society or included in the WMO RA VI region are considered as European. Candidates shall be under 35 years on the first of January of the calendar year in which the award is made.

To be considered for a YSCA the candidate has to send an application to the EMS.
Each application shall include a short curriculum vitae of the candidate, the abstract accepted/submitted for presentation at the conference, a supporting letter by a Member Society, EMS Associate Members or a supervisor or equivalent, explaining the achievements of the candidate and the relevance of the conference for her/his future career, and a proof of age.

Recipients of a Young Scientist Conference Award are considered and approved by the EMS Awards Committee.

The awardees are expected to provide a report on the conference for publication on the EMS Website until two weeks after the meeting.

The EMS Council assigns an annual budget for YSCAs; it lies within the remit of the Awards Committee to assign the number and monetary amount of conference awards to individual conferences. The EMS Awards Committee is entitled to approve specific procedures for the nomination and selection of candidates, in agreement with these Terms of Reference.

This award scheme is open for additional funding by Associate Members who may, with agreement by Council, allocate appropriate names to awards they fund through the EMS.


Conference Awards 2025

Events in 2025 for which Young Scientist Conference Awards will be  available will be announced here as details have been agreed with the respective conference organizers.

D·A·CH 2025 | Bern | June 2025

Application deadline: 1 February 2025

The European Meteorological Society invites applications for a Young Scientist Conference Award (YSCA) to support the participation of young scientists at the D·A·CH 2025 Conference, Bern, Switzerland, 23 – 28 June 2025. The award includes financial support for travel expenditures of 500€.


Young scientists under 35 years of age on the first of January 2025 working and/or studying in a European country are eligible for an award. Applicants that have previously won an EMS Young Scientist Travel/Conference Award are only considered with low priority for this award.

All countries with an EMS Member Society or included in the WMO RA VI region are considered as European. An overview of EMS Member Societies is available here.

Application procedure

To apply the following documents are required:

  • a short curriculum vitae of the candidate
    – please include a list of your most important publications and distinguish between peer-reviewed and other publications,
  • the abstract (pdf-file),
  • a document that proofs the age of the candidate, and
  • a supporting letter by an EMS Member Society, EMS Associate Member or a supervisor or equivalent, explaining the achievements of the candidate and the relevance of the conference for her/his future career.

Please submit any application to

All documents must be provided in pdf-format.


The selected awardee will receive a certificate during the D·A·CH 2025 in Bern. The awardee is expected to provide a report on the conference for publication on the emetsoc-site until two weeks after the event.

12th International Conference on Urban Climate | Rotterdam | July 2025

Application deadline: 14 February 2025

The European Meteorological Society invites applications for a Young Scientist Conference Award (YSCA) to support the participation of young scientists at the 12th International Conference on Urban Climate, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 7 to 11 July 2025. The award includes financial support for travel expenditures of 500€.


Young scientists under 35 years of age on the first of January 2025 working and/or studying in a European country are eligible for an award. Applicants that have previously won an EMS Young Scientist Travel/Conference Award are only considered with low priority for this award.

All countries with an EMS Member Society or included in the WMO RA VI region are considered as European. An overview of EMS Member Societies is available here.

Application procedure

To apply the following documents are required:

  • a short curriculum vitae of the candidate
    – please include a list of your most important publications and distinguish between peer-reviewed and other publications,
  • the abstract (pdf-file),
  • a document that proofs the age of the candidate, and
  • a supporting letter by an EMS Member Society, EMS Associate Member or a supervisor or equivalent, explaining the achievements of the candidate and the relevance of the conference for her/his future career.

Please submit any application to

All documents must be provided in pdf-format.


The selected awardee will receive a certificate during the ICUC12 in Rotterdam. The awardee is expected to provide a report on the conference for publication on the emetsoc-site until two weeks after the event.


EMS Annual Meeting 2025 | Ljubljana | September 2025

Application deadline: 15 March 2025

The EMS invites applications for four Young Scientist Conference Awards (YSCA) to support the participation of young scientists at the 2025 EMS Annual Meeting in Ljubljana, 8 – 12 September 2025. The award constists of registration fees for the event and financial support of 300€ for travel expenditures.

Please note that, despite the EMS2025 being an hybrid event, these awards are intended to provide opportunities for ECS to attend the meeting onsite.


Young scientists under 35 years of age on the first of January 2025 working and/or studying in a European country are eligible for an award. Applicants that have previously won an EMS Young Scientist Travel/Conference Award are only considered with low priority for this award.
All countries with an EMS Member Society or included in the WMO RA VI region are considered as European. An overview of EMS Member Societies is available here.

Application procedure

Scientists who wish to apply for the YSCA must be the principal author of their contribution and must submit an abstract for the EMS2025 by 15 March 2025.
Abstract submission will open in February.

Note that award applicants have to pay Abstract Processing Fees (APFs) at the time of submitting the abstract.

Following the abstract submission, please provide the following documents:

  • the abstract (pdf), together with the information to which session the abstract was submitted;
  • a short curriculum vitae of the candidate
    – please include a list of your most important publications and distinguish between peer-reviewed and other publications;
  • a document that proofs the age of the candidate, and
  • a supporting letter by an EMS Member Society, EMS Associate Member or a supervisor or equivalent, explaining the achievements of the candidate and the relevance of the conference for her/his future career.

Please send the application including all documents to, not later than 15 March 2025. All documents must be provided in pdf-format.

For other support schemes for EMS2025 also see


The selected awardee will receive a certificate during the EMS Annual Meeting 2025 in Ljubljana. The awardee is expected to provide a report on the conference for publication on the EMS website until two weeks after the EMS2025. The financial support will be paid to the awardee upon receipt of this report.

12th European Conference on Severe Storms | Utrecht | November 2025

Application deadline: Very likely around 6 June 2025

The European Meteorological Society invites applications for a Young Scientist Conference Award (YSCA) to support the participation of young scientists at the 12th European Conference on Severe Storms, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 17 to 21 November 2025. The award includes financial support for travel expenditures of 500€.


Young scientists under 35 years of age on the first of January 2025 working and/or studying in a European country are eligible for an award. Applicants that have previously won an EMS Young Scientist Travel/Conference Award are only considered with low priority for this award.

All countries with an EMS Member Society or included in the WMO RA VI region are considered as European. An overview of EMS Member Societies is available here.

Application procedure

To apply the following documents are required:

  • a short curriculum vitae of the candidate
    – please include a list of your most important publications and distinguish between peer-reviewed and other publications,
  • the abstract (pdf-file),
  • a document that proofs the age of the candidate, and
  • a supporting letter by an EMS Member Society, EMS Associate Member or a supervisor or equivalent, explaining the achievements of the candidate and the relevance of the conference for her/his future career.

Please submit any application to

All documents must be provided in pdf-format.


The selected awardee will receive a certificate during the European Conference on Severe Storms in Utrecht. The awardee is expected to provide a report on the conference for publication on the emetsoc-site until two weeks after the event.

Previous recipients of conference & travel awards


Lippin Pauly

University of Eastern Piedmont, Vercelli, and University of Turin, both in Italy.
YSCA to attend the Nordic Meteorologist Meeting 2024 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Lippin Pauly gave a presentation entitled Impact Assessment of Heatwaves on Urban Microclimate: A Case Study in Turin, Italy”.

Read his report from the Nordic Meteorologist Meeting 2024.

Matej Žgela

photo matej zgela the reciepient of the ysca for the best poster at the meteoxchange2024

Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
YSCA to attend the EMS Annual Meeting, Barcelona, Spain.

Matej Žgela has presented the best poster at the MeteoXchange Conference 2024 (online) for young scientists. The poster is entitledCombining in-situ and remotely sensed data for comprehensive urban climate insights“. The prize consists of a free participation at the EMS Annual Meeting.

Read his report from the MeteoXchange Conference 2024.


Francesco De Martin

Francesco De Martin, YSCA recipient for ICAM023 (photo: private)

Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Bologna, Italy

Francesco received a YSCA grant to attend the 36th International Conference on Alpine Meteorology (ICAM) in St. Gallen, Switzerland.

He  gave an oral presentation entitled The effect of complex orography on the development of a tornadic outbreak in the Po Valley.

Read his report from the 36th ICAM 2023.

Eleonora Cusinato

Eleonora Cusinato, YSCA recipient for MetMed2023 (photo: private)

University Ca’Foscari, Venice, Italy

Eleonora received a YSCA grant to attend the 9th International Conference on Meteorology and Climatology of the Mediterranean (MetMed 2023) in Genoa, Italy.
She  gave a poster presentation entitled Mediterranean sea­surface responses to largescale atmospheric forcing in evaluation Med­Cordex simulation.

Read her report from the MetMed 2023.

Daniel Köhler

Daniel Köhler, YSCA recipient for the OpenIFS User Meeting 2023 (photo: private)

INAR, University of Helsinki, Finland

Daniel received a YSCA grant to attend the 6th OpenIFS User Meeting in Barcelona, Spain.
His oral presentation was entitled Using OpenIFS to study the impact on mid­latitude circulation in scenarios of future polar sea ice.

Read his report from the OpenIFS User Meeting 2023.

Mateusz Taszarek

Mateusz Taszarek, YSCA recipient for ECSS2023 (photo: private)

Department of Meteorology and Climatology
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań

Mateusz received a YSCA grant to attend the 11th European Conference on Severe Storms (ECSS2023) in Bucharest, Romania.
He received the YSCA for his oral contribution ThundeR – a rawinsonde package for processing convective parameters and visualizing atmospheric profiles and gave two more oral presentations as leading author.

Read his report from the ECSS2023.

Carlos Calvo-Sancho

Carlos Calvo-Sancho, YSCA recipient for ECSS2023 (photo: private)

Department of Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Computer Engineering, University of Valladolid

Carlos received a YSCA grant to attend the 11th European Conference on Severe Storms (ECSS2023) in Bucharest, Romania.
He  gave a poster presentation entitled Testing very high-resolution simulations in a high-impact static convective system in Spain using HARMONIE-AROME model.

Read his report from the ECSS2023.

David Duncan

David Duncan, YSCA recipient for ITSC2023 (photo: private)

ECMWF, Reading, UK.
YSCA to attend the 24th International TOVS Study Conference (ITSC), Tromsø, Norway.

David Duncan gave one oral presentation entitled Optimising All-sky Assimilation of Microwave Humidity Sounders and a poster presentation entitled AMSU-A Window Channel Assimilation.

Read his report from the ITSC 2023.


Helena López Moreno

Helena López Moreno, YSCA recipient for BUCSS2022 (photo: private)

Research Center for Energy, Environment and Technology (CIEMAT), Madrid, Spain.
YSCA to attend the Bochum Urban Climate Summer School (BUCSS22), Bochum, Germany

Read her report from the BUCSS2022.

Esther Peerlings

Esther Peerlings, YSCA recipient for BUCSS2022 (photo: private)

Wageningen University, The Netherlands.
YSCA to attend the Bochum Urban Climate Summer School (BUCSS22), Bochum, Germany

Read her report from the BUCSS2022.

Alice Portal

Alice Portal, YSCA recipient for EMS2022 (photo: private)

University of Milano-Bicocca, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Milan, Italy & Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique/IPSL, École Normale Supérieure, PSL Research University, Sorbonne Université, École Polytechnique, IP Paris, CNRS, Paris, France.
YSCA to attend the EMS Annual Meeting 2022, Bonn, Germany

Alice Portal gave a presentation entitled:
How is the extratropical circulation affected by reduced Atlantic and Pacific landsea thermal contrast?

Read her report from the EMS2022.


Alice Baronetti

Alice Baronetti, YSCA recipient for vEMS2021 (photo: private)

Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources, National Research Council, Pisa, Italy
YSCA to attend the virtual EMS Annual Meeting 2021

Alice Baronetti gave a presentation entitled Future drought episodes over the North of Italy.

Read her report from the vEMS2021


Platon Patlakas

Platon Patlakas, YSTA recipient for ECSS2019 (photo: private)

National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece.
YSTA to attend the 10th European Conference on Severe Storms in Kraków, Poland.

Platon Patlakas gave a presentation entitled Estimating the risk exposed areas and the return periods of Medicanes.

Read his report from the ECSS 2019.

Andrejs Zubaničs

Andrejs Zubanics, YSCA recipient for EUMETSAT2019 (photo: private)

Latvian Environment Geology and Meteorology Centre Riga, Latvia.
YSTA to attend the 2019 Joint Satellite Conference, Boston, USA.

Andrejs Zubaničs gave a presentation entitled River Ice Detection on The Daugava River Using Sentinel-1 SAR Data.

Read his report from the 2019 Joint Satellite Conference.

Elżbieta Lasota

Elżbieta Lasota, YSTA recipient for EMS2019 (photo: private)

Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Wrocław, Poland.
YSTA to attend the EMS Annual Meeting 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Elżbieta Lasota presented a poster entitled Raytracing Through Tropical Cyclone Meranti With GNSS and GFS/WRF/ERA.

Read her report from the EMS2019.

Magdalena Mittermeier

Magdalena Mittermaier, YSTA recipient for EMS2019 (photo: private)

Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Germany.
YSTA to attend the EMS Annual Meeting 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Magdalena Mittermeier gave a presentation entitled Detecting the Dynamics of Heavy Precipitation Vb-Cyclones Under Climate Change Using Neural Networks.

Read her report from the EMS2019.

Bernat Jiménez Esteve

Bernat Jiménez Esteve, YSTA recipient for EMS2019 (photo: private)

ETH Zürich, Switzerland.
YSTA to attend the EMS Annual Meeting 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Bernat Jiménez Esteve gave a presentation entitled ENSO influence on the North Atlantic: Interaction between the stratospheric and the tropospheric pathways.

Read his report from the EMS2019.

Souleymane Sy

Souleymane Sy, YSTA recipient for EMS2019 (photo: private)

Italian National Research Council (CNR), Potenza, Italy.
YSTA to attend the EMS Annual Meeting 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Souleymane Sy presented a poster entitled Sensitivity of Radiosounding Temperature and Humidity Trends to Estimation Algorithms and Subsampling Effects.

Read his report from the EMS2019.

Alessio Golzio

Alessio Golzio, YSTA recipient for ICAM2019 (photo: private)

University of Milan, Italy.
YSTA to attend the 35th International Conference on Alpine Meteorology, Riva del Garda, Italy.

Alessio Golzio gave a presentation entitled High resolution WRF over mountainous complex terrain: validation over the Ortles Cevedale area (Central Italian Alps).

Read his report from the ICAM 2019.


Aleksandar Janković

Aleksandar Jankovic, YSTA recipient for EMS2018 (photo: private)

University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
YSTA to attend the EMS Annual Meeting 2018, Budapest, Hungary

Aleksandar Janković gave a presentation entitled Future global warming impacts on residential heating and cooling energy demand over part of Pannonian basin and Balkan Peninsula.

Read his report from the EMS2018.

Vladimir Platonov

Vladimir Platonov, YSTA recipient for EMS2018 (photo: private)

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russian Federation
YSTA to attend the EMS Annual Meeting 2018, Budapest, Hungary

Vladimir Platonov gave a presentation entitled Extreme wind speed analysis: a new approach to observational high-resolution modelling data.

Read his report from the EMS2018.

Lorenzo Minola

Lorenzo Minola, YSTA recipient for EMS2018 (photo: private)

University of Gothenburg, Sweden
YSTA to attend the EMS Annual Meeting 2018, Budapest, Hungary

Lorenzo Minola gave a presentation entitled How well do Regional Climate Models simulate and parametrize surface wind speed and wind gust across Scandinavia?

Read his report from the EMS2018.

Júlia Göndöcs

Julia Göndöcs, YSTA recipient for EMS2018 (photo: private)

Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
YSTA to attend the EMS Annual Meeting 2018, Budapest, Hungary

Júlia Göndöcs gave a presentation entitled Regional dynamical downscaling with WRF model for the estimation of potential changes in urban heat island intensity in Budapest.

Read her report from the EMS2018.

Daniel Watters

Daniel Watters, YSTA recipient for ERAD2018 (photo: private)

University of Leicester, UK
YSTA to attend the 10th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology, 2018, Ede, The Netherlands

Daniel Watters gave a poster presentation entitled:
On the capabilities of the GPM Core Observatory over Great Britain and Ireland

Read his report from the ERAD2018.

Julián Quimbayo-Duarte

Julian Quimbayo Duarte, YSTA recipient for MountainMet2018 (photo: private)

Université Grenoble Alpes, France
YSTA to attend the 18th Conference on Mountain Meteorology, 2018, Santa Fe, USA

Julián Quimbayo-Duarte gave a presentation entitled:
Drivers of high pollution concentration in a deep valley during wintertime

Read his report from the MountainMet2018.

Justinas Kilpys

Justinas Kilpys, YSTA recipient for NMM2018 (photo: private)

Vilnius University, Lithuania
YSTA to attend the Nordic Meteorological Meeting 2018, Reykjavík, Iceland

Justinas Kilpys gave a presentation entitled Creating a cloud-free MODIS snow cover product using spatial and temporal interpolation and temperature thresholds.

Read his report from the NMM2018.

Ilaria Gandolfi

Ilaria Gandolfi, YSTA recipient for AirQuality2018 (photo: private)

University of l’Aquila
YSTA to attend the 11th International Conference on Air Quality – Science and Application, Barcelona, Spain

Ilaria Gandolfi gave a presentation entitled:
PM10 and black carbon vertical profiles in three Italian valleys: analysis of measurements and high-resolution modeling

Read her report from the AQC2018


Marco Falocchi

Marco Falocchi, YSTA recipient for ICAM2017 (photo: private)

University of Trento, Trento, Italy
YSTA to attend the 34th International Conference on Alpine Meteorology
(ICAM) 2017, Reykjavík, Iceland

Marco Falocchi gave a presentation entitled:
Lidar observations and high-resolution modelling of a wind jet at the exit of the Isarco Valley (Italy).

Read his  report from the ICAM2017.

Tanja Portele

Tanja Portele, YSTA recipient for ICAM2017 (photo: private)

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany
YSTA to attend the 34th International Conference on Alpine Meteorology
(ICAM) 2017, Reykjavík, Iceland

Tanja Portele gave a presentation entitled:
How do orographic and non-orographic gravity wave events during DEEPWAVE compare in measurement and ECMWF model data

Read her report from the ICAM2017.

Lenka Novak

Lenka Novak, YSTA recipient for OpenIFS2017 (photo: private)

University of Reading, Department of Meteorology, Reading, UK.
YSTA to attend the OpenIFS user meeting in Trieste, Italy

Lenka Novak presented and discussed her current work about the responses of storm track dynamics to global warming and frictional forcing, using a hierarchy of different models, including OpenIFS.

Read her report from the OpenIFS user meeting.

Maria Kurbatova

Maria Kurbatova, YSTA recipient for EMS2017 (photo: private)

Hydrometeorological Research Center of Russia, Moscow, Russian Federation.
YSTA to attend the EMS Annual Meeting, Dublin Ireland

Maria Kurbatova presented and discussed her current work  about the Analysis of different wind gust forecast approaches: session programme

Read her report from the EMS Annual Meeting.

Marco Reale

Marco Reale, YSTA recipient for EMS2017 (photo: private)

Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy.
YSTA to attend the EMS Annual Meeting, Dublin Ireland

Marco Reale gave a poster presentation entitled A climatology of explosive cyclones using a multi tracking approach: session programme

Read his report from the EMS Annual Meeting.

Inna Gubenko

Inna Gubenko, YSTA recipient for EMS2017 (photo: private)

Hydrometeorological Research Center of Russia, Moscow, Russian Federation.
YSTA to attend the EMS Annual Meeting, Dublin Ireland

Inna Gubenko presented and discussed her poster entitled An explicit method of mesoscale convective storm prediction for Central region of Russia: session programme

Read her report from the EMS Annual Meeting.

Jon Ander Arrillaga Mitxelena

Jon Ander Arrillaga Mitxelena, YSTA recipient for EMS2017 (photo: private)

University Complutense de Madrid, Faculdad de Ciencias Físicas, Madrid, Spain.
YSTA to attend the EMS Annual Meeting, Dublin Ireland

Jon Ander Arrillaga gave a presentation entitled Mesoscale-turbulence interactions in the ABL dynamics: a 10-year study in Cabauw (Netherlands): session programme

Read his report from the EMS Annual Meeting.

Anna del Moral

Anna Delmoral, YSTA recipient for ECSS2017 (photo: private)

University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
YSTA to attend the European Conference on Severe Storms (ECSS) 2017, Pula, Croatia

Anna del Moral gave a presentation entitled New adjustments to the 3D convective cells identification applied to severe weather study cases.

Read her report from the ECSS 2017.

Robert Chiritescu

Robert Chiritescu, YSTA recipient for EUMETSAT2017 (photo: private)

Romanian National Meteorological Administration, Bucharest, Romania.
YSTA to attend the EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference 2017, Rome, Italy

Robert Chiritescu gave a poster presentation entitled The Validation of ASCAT Soil Moisture Data with In-Situ Measurements

Read his report from the EUMETSAT conference 2017.

Oleksandr Kryvoshein

Oleksandr Krivoshein, YSTA recipient for EUMETSAT2017 (photo: private)

Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Research Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine.
YSTA to attend the EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference 2017, Rome, Italy

Oleksandr Kryvoshein presented his poster entitled Satellite monitoring of humic substances in Kyiv Reservoir (Ukraine)

Read his report from the EUMETSAT conference 2017.


Francesco Marra

Francesco Marra, YSTA recipient for ERAD2016 (photo: private)

Hydrometeorology Lab, Institute of Earth Sciences, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
YSTA to attend the European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology 2016, Antalya, Turkey

Francesco Marra gave a presentation entitled Intensity-Duration-Frequency curves from radar estimates in a range of climatic regimes

Read his report from the ERAD2016.

Eduard Luca

Eduard Luca, YSTA recipient for EUMETSAT2016 (photo: private)

Romanian National Meteorological Administration, Bucharest, Romania
YSTA to attend the EUMETSAT Satellite Conference 2016, Darmstadt, Germany

Eduard Luca gave a presentation entitled The use of ADAGUC for MSG RGB products visualisation at the Romanian National Meteorological Administration.

Read his report from the EUMETSAT Satellite Conference 2016.

Paolo Ruggieri

Paolo Ruggieri, YSTA recipient for ECMWF2016 (photo: private)

Department of Physical and Chemical Sciences, University of L’Aquila, Italy
YSTA to attend the ECMWF Annual Seminar 2016, Reading, UK

Read his report from the ECMWF Annual Seminar 2016.

Gabriella Zsebeházi

Gabriella Zsebehazi, YSTA recipient for EMS2016 (photo: private)

Hungarian Meteorological Service, Budapest, Hungary
YSTA to attend the EMS & ECAC 2016, Trieste, Italy

Gabriella Zsebeházi gave a presentation entitled Sensitivity of the SURFEX land surface model to forcing settings in urban climate modelling: Session Programme

Read her report from the EMS & ECAC 2016.

Jorge Lopez Parages

Jorge Lopez Parages, YSTA recipient for EMS2016 (photo: private)

Ca’ Foscari University, Venice, Italy
YSTA to attend the EMS & ECAC 2016, Trieste, Italy

Jorge Lopez Parages gave a presentation entitled ENSO influence on the North Atlantic European climate: a non-linear and non-stationary approach: Session Programme

Read his report from the EMS & ECAC 2016.

Jianting Du

Jianting Du, YSTA recipient for EMS2016 (photo: private)

Technical University of Denmark, Roskilde, Denmark
YSTA to attend the EMS & ECAC 2016, Trieste, Italy

Jianting Du gave a presentation entitled Roughness length for coastal waters from wave boundary layer model: Session Programme

Read his report from the EMS & ECAC 2016.

Lukáš Dolák

Lukas Dolak, YSTA recipient for EMS2016 (photo: private)

Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic
YSTA to attend the EMS & ECAC 2016, Trieste, Italy

Lukáš Dolák gave a poster presentation entitled Hydrometeorological
extremes and their impacts in the Jihlava region (Czech Republic) in the
1651–1880 period
: Session Programme

Read his report from the EMS & ECAC 2016.

Olga Antokhina

Olga Antokhina, YSTA recipient for EMS2016 (photo: private)

V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics Tomsk, Russian Federation
YSTA for attendance of the EMS & ECAC 2016, Trieste, Italy

Olga Antokhina gave a poster presentation entitled The impact of atmospheric blocking in Western Siberia on the methane emissions in summer: Session Programme

Read her report from the EMS & ECAC 2016.

Stefanie Feuerstein

Stefanie Feuerstein, YSTA recipient for ESA2016 (photo: private)

Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research, Leipzig, Germany

Stefanie Feuerstein won the EO SummerSchool Poster Award with her poster entitled:
Characterisation of dust emission from alluvial sources in the Sahara

Read her report from the ESA EO Summer School 2016.

Ivana Marinovic

Ivana Marinovic, YSTA recipient for NMM2016 (photo: private)

Department of Geophysics, University of Zagreb, Croatia
YSTA to attend the 17th Conference on Mountain Meteorology 2016, Burlington, VT, USA

Ivana Marinovic gave a poster presentation entitled:
Surface energy balance closure in the Owens Valley, CA.

Read her report from the Mountain Met Conference.

Stephanie Hänsel

Stefanie Haensel, YSTA recipient for DACH2016 (photo: private)

Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
YSTA to attend the DACH Conference 2016, Berlin, Germany

Stephanie Hänsel gave a presentation entitled:
Evaluating the impact relevance of drought indices

Read her report from the DACH Conference.

Despina Giannadaki

Despina Giannadaki, YSTA recipient for AirQuality2016 (photo: private)

The Cyprus Institute, Energy Environment and Water Research Center – Climate group, Nicosia, Cyprus.
YSTA to attend the 10th International Conference on Air Quality (AQ) 2016, Milan, Italy

Despina Giannadaki gave a presentation entitled:
Public health gains from strict regulations on fine particulate air polution.

Read her report from the AQ Conference.


Kathrin Folger

Kathrin Folger, YSTA recipient for EUMETSAT2015 (photo: private)

Hans-Ertel-Centre for Weather Research, Data Assimilation Branch, LMU Munich, Germany
YSTA to attend the EUMETSAT Satellite Conference 2015, Toulouse, France

Kathrin Folger gave a presentation entitled Lidar-based height correction of atmospheric motion vectors for data assimilation.

Read her report from the EUMETSAT Satellite Conference 2015.

Yasar Burak Öztaner

Yasar Burak Öztaner, YSTA recipient for EMSECAM2015 (photo: private)

Eurasia Institute of Earth Science, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
YSTA to attend the EMS Annual Meeting & ECAM 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria

Burak Öztaner gave a presentation entitled Impact of Land-Use Types and Urban Canopy Structure on Urban Heat Island via High Resolution WRF Modeling: Istanbul Case Study.

Read his report from the EMS & ECAM 2015 Conference.

Markel García Díez

Markel García Díez, YSTA recipient for EMSECAM2015 (photo: private)

Climate Dynamics and Impacts Unit, Catalan Institute of Climate Sciences,
Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
YSTA to attend the EMS Annual Meeting & ECAM 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria

Markel García gave a presentation entitled A study of the Urban Heat Island of Barcelona using a fast urban climate model.

Read his report from the EMS & ECAM 2015 Conference.

Hajnalka Breuer

Hajnalka Breuer, YSTA recipient for EMSECAM2015 (photo: private)

Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Meteorology, Budapest, Hungary
YSTA to attend the EMS Annual Meeting & ECAM 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria

Hajnalka Breuer gave a presentation entitled Numerical study on sensitivity of convective precipitation to cumulus convection parametrization and initial soil moisture content at 5 km horizontal resolution.

Read her report from the EMS & ECAM 2015 Conference.

Anastasia Bleta

Anatasia Bleta, YSTA recipient for EMSECAM2015 (photo: private)

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Geology and Geoenvironment, Climatology and Atmospheric Environment, Kaisariani Athens, Greece
YSTA to attend the EMS Annual Meeting & ECAM 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria

Anastasia Bleta gave a presentation entitled Present and Future Human Thermal Bioclimatic Conditions and Impacts on Cardiovascular Admissions in Crete Island, Greece.

Read her report from the EMS & ECAM 2015 Conference.

Luisa Ickes

IAC ETH Zurich, Switzerland.
YSTA to attend the ECMWF Annual Seminar 2015, Reading, UK

Read her report from the ECMWF Annual Seminar 2015.

Goran Gašparac

Goran Gasparac, YSTA recipient for ICAM2015 (photo: private)

Gekom Ltd. – Geophysical and Ecological Modeling, Croatia.
YSTA to attend the International Conference on Alpine Meteorology (ICAM) 2015, Innsbruck, Austria

Goran Gasparac gave an oral presentations entitled Parameterization of NWP WRF in statically stable situations over complex terrain.

Read his report from the ICAM Conference.

Mireia Udina

Mireia Udina, YSTA recipient for ICAM2015 (photo: private)

Group MAiR. Departament d’Astronomia i Meteorologia, Universitat de Barcelona.
YSTA to attend the International Conference on Alpine Meteorology (ICAM) 2015, Innsbruck, Austria

Mireia Udina gave two poster presentations entitled:
Mountain waves over the Pyrenees: real and ideal simulations using the WRF model and:
Effects of intermittent turbulent events on air pollutant dispersion.

Read her report from the ICAM Conference.


Rogiros Tapakis

Rogiros Tapakis, YSTA recipient for EMSECAC2014 (photo: private)

Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
YSTA to attend the 14th EMS Annual Meeting & 10th ECAC 2014, Prague, Czech Republic

Rogiros Tapakis’ presentation was entitled: Computation Of Cloud Motion For Solar Irradiance Prediction.

Read his report from the EMS & ECAC 2014.

Ivo van Hooijdonk

Ivo van Hooijdonk, YSTA recipient for EMSECAC2014 (photo: private)

Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
YSTA to attend the 14th EMS Annual Meeting & 10th ECAC 2014, Prague, Czech Republic

Ivo van Hooijdonk’s presentation was entitled: Shear Capacity as Predictor of Nocturnal Boundary Layer Regimes.

Read his report from the EMS & ECAC 2014.

Anna Kis

Anna Kis, YSTA recipient for EMSECAC2014 (photo: private)

Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
YSTA to attend the 14th EMS Annual Meeting & 10th ECAC 2014, Prague, Czech Republic

Anna Kis’ presentation was entitled: Projected changes of percentile-based precipitation indices for the 21st century in Central/Eastern Europe.

Read her report from the EMS & ECAC 2014.

Geert Vinken

Geert Vinken, YSTA recipient for EUMETSAT2014 (photo: private)

Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands.
YSTA to attend the EUMETSAT Satellite Conference 2014, Geneva, Switzerland

Geert Vinken’s presentation was entitled Worldwide biogenic soil NOx emission estimates from OMI NO2 observations and the GEOS-Chem model.

Read his report from the EUMETSAT Conference 2014.

Justinas Kilpys

Justinas Kilpys, YSTA recipient for EUMETSAT2014 (photo: private)

Lithuanian Hydrometeorological Service in Vilnius.
YSTA to attend the EUMETSAT Satellite Conference 2014, Geneva, Switzerland

Justinas Kilpys gave a presentation entitled Snow cover climatology over the Baltic States based on MODIS satellite data.

Read his report from the EUMETSAT Conference 2014.

Alina Ristea

Alina Ristea, YSTA recipient for EUMETSAT2014 (photo: private)

National Meteorological Administration, Satellite Meteorology Laboratory, in Bucharest,Romania.
YSTA to attend the EUMETSAT Satellite Conference 2014, Geneva, Switzerland

Alinea Ristea’s presentation was entitled Meteosat SEVIRI visualization and processing – Comparing open source software for operational use.

Read her report from the EUMETSAT Conference 2014.

Christine Nam

Christine Nam, YSTA recipient for ECMWF2014 (photo: private)

University of Leipzig, Germany
YSTA to attend the ECMWF Annual Seminar 2014, Reading, UK

Read her report from the ECMWF Annual Seminar.

Delphine Leroux

Delphine Leroux, YSTA recipient for EOS2014 (photo: private)

Center for the Study of the Biosphere from Space (CESBIO), Toulouse, France
YSTA Earth Observation Summer School on Earth System Monitoring and Modelling 2014, Frascati, Italy
The awards were made as poster awards and three posters were selected at the final session of the Summer School.

Delphine’s poster was entitled: Soil Moisture Retreived from SMOS Observations and Assimilation in a Hydrological Model Over an African Watershed.

Read also her report from the Summer School 2014.

Luca Panziera

Luca Panziera, YSTA recipient for MountainMet2014 (photo: private)

Atmospheric Physics Group, Department of Civil, Mechanical and Environmental Engineering, University of Trento, Italy
YSTA to attend the AMS Conference on Mountain Meteorology 2014, San Diego, USA

Luca Panziera Giannaros gave an oral presentation entitled How well do weather types describe the weather of an alpine region? and three poster presentations.

Read his report from the Mountain Met Conference.

Eduardo Wilde Barbaro

Eduardo Wilde Barbaro, YSTA recipient for BLT2014 (photo: private)

University of Wageningen, The Netherlands.
YSTA to attend the Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence 2014, Leeds, UK

Eduardo Wilde Barbaro gave the following presentation:
Effects of aerosols on the convective boundary-layer dynamics and land-atmosphere system.

Read his report from the Symposium.

Curtis Wood

Curtis Wood, YSTA recipient for BLT2014 (photo: private)

Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland
YSTA to attend the Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence 2014, Leeds, UK

Curtis Wood gave three presentations:
In-situ and remotely sensed shallow atmospheric boundary layers over Helsinki city
Observing horizontal wind transects over an urban terrain with scintillometer and lidar technologies
How much is traffic responsible for upwind dispersion of a tracer in central London?

Read his report from the Symposium.

Theodore Giannaros

Theodore Giannaros, YSTA recipient for AirQuality2014 (photo: private)

Researcher, National Observatory of Athens, Institute for Environmental Research and Sustainable Development, Athens, Greece
YSTA to attend the International Conference on Air Quality 2014, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany

Theodore Giannaros gave a presentation entitled On the impact of air quality on human health: application of an air quality index for Thessaloniki.

Read his report from the Air Quality Conference 2014.


Julia Smirnova

Julia Smirnova, YSTA recipient for EUMETSAT2013 (photo: private)

Russian State Hydrometeorological University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, and at Nansen International Environmental Remote Sensing Center, Bergen, Norway.
YSTA to attend the Joint EUMETSAT / AMS Meteorological Satellite Conference 2013, Vienna, Austria

Julia Smirnova presented a ->poster entitled  Methodology for Polar Low studying for the Arctic region using retrieved water vapour from satellite passive microwave data.

Read her report from the EUMETSAT / AMS Conference.

A photo of the award presentation at ->EUMETSAT on flickr

Giovanni Tumolo

Giovanni Tumolo, YSTA recipient for ECMWF2013 (photo: private)

The Abdus Salam ICTP, Trieste, Italy.
YSTA to attend the ECMWF Annual Seminar 2013, Reading, UK

Read his report from the ECMWF Annual Seminar.

Petr Zacharov

Petr Zacharov, YSTA recipient for EMSECAM2013 (photo: private)

Institute of Atmospheric Physics, ASCR, Czech Republic
YSTA to attend the 13th EMS Annual Meeting & 11th ECAM 2013, Reading, UK

Petr Zacharov’s presentation was entitled: COSMO-CZ-EPS – the first evaluation.

Read his report from the EMS & ECAM 2013.

Christina Stawiarski

Christina Stawiarski, YSTA recipient for EMSECAM2013 (photo: private)

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
YSTA to attend the 13th EMS Annual Meeting & 11th ECAM 2013, Reading, UK

Christina Stawiarski’s presentation was entitled: Assessing Techniques to Detect Surface Layer Coherent Structures with Dual-Doppler Lidar using Large Eddy Simulations .

Read her report from the EMS & ECAM 2013.

Pavan Kulkarni

Pavan Kulkarni, YSTA recipient for EMSECAM2013 (photo: private)

University of Evora, Portugal
YSTA to attend the 13th EMS Annual Meeting & 11th ECAM 2013, Reading, UK

Pavan Kulkarni’s presentation was entitled: Study of nocturnal surface ozone enhancement due to vertical mixing from residual layer.

Read his report from the EMS & ECAM 2013.

Alexander Kandaurov

Alexander Kandaurov, YSTA recipient for EMSECAM2013 (photo: private)

Institute of Applied Physics, N. Novgorod, Russia
YSTA to attend the 13th EMS Annual Meeting & 11th ECAM 2013, Reading, UK

Alexander Kandaurov’s presentation was entitled: Investigation of wind-wave interaction in the inland reservoirs and in the coastal zones of ocean.

Read his report from the EMS & ECAM 2013.

Maria Tous

Maria Tous, YSTA recipient for ECSS2013 (photo: private)

Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB), Spain
YSTA to attend the European Conference on Severe Storms 2013, Helsinki, Finland

Maria Tous gave a presentation entitled Medicane risk in a changing climate.

Read her report from the ECSS.

Karmen Babic

Karmen Babic, YSTA recipient for ICAM2013 (photo: private)

Andrija Mohorovicic Geophysical Institute, University of Zagreb, Croatia
YSTA to attend the International Conference on Alpine Meteorology 2013, Kranjska Gora, Slovenia

Karmen Babic gave a presentation entitled Observations of turbulence in the stable surface layer over inhomogeneous terrain.

Her report from the ICAM.


Svetlana Tkachuk

Svetlana Tkachuk, YSTA recipient for EMSECAC2012 (photo: private)

Hydrological Meteorological Research Centre of Russia, Moscow
YSTA to attend the 12th EMS Annual Meeting & 9th ECAC 2012, Łódź, Poland

Svetlana Tkachuk’s presentation was entitled: System of weather comfort forecasting for European Russia.

Her report from the EMS & ECAC 2012.

Victoria Sinclair

Victoria Sinclair, YSTA recipient for EMSECAC2012 (photo: private)

University of Helsinki, Finland
YSTA to attend the 12th EMS Annual Meeting & 9th ECAC 2012, Łódź, Poland

Victoria Sinclair’s presentation was entitled: : A Climatology of fronts and their boundary layer structure in Helsinki, Finland.

Her report from the EMS & ECAC 2012.

Ildikó Pieczka

Ildiko Pieczka, YSTA recipient for EMSECAC2012 (photo: private)

Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
YSTA to attend the 12th EMS Annual Meeting & 9th ECAC 2012, Łódź, Poland

Ildikó Pieczka’s presentation was entitled: 21st century climate assessment for Hungary using different future pathways.

Her report from the EMS & ECAC 2012.

Veronika Maslova

Veronika Maslova, YSTA recipient for EMSECAC2012 (photo: private)

Marine Hydrophysical Institute, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
YSTA to attend the 12th EMS Annual Meeting & 9th ECAC 2012, Łódź, Poland

Veronika Maslova’s presentation was entitled: A Joint AMO and PDO manifestations in multidecadal climate anomalies and winter wheat yield in Ukraine.

Her report from the EMS & ECAC 2012.

Mariano Sastre Marugán

Mariano Sastre Marugan, YSTA recipient for EMSECAC2012 (photo: private)

Departamento de Geofísica y Meteorología, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
YSTA to attend the 12th EMS Annual Meeting & 9th ECAC 2012, Łódź, Poland

Mariano Sastre Marugán’s presentation was entitled: Atmospheric Boundary Layer evening transitions: a comparison between two experimental sites (CIBA-Spain and BLLAST-France).

His report from the EMS & ECAC 2012.

Carlos Román Cascón

Carlos Roman Cascon, YSTA recipient for EMSECAC2012 (photo: private)

Departamento de Geofísica y Meteorología, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
YSTA to attend the 12th EMS Annual Meeting & 9th ECAC 2012, Łódź, Poland

Carlos Román Cascón’s presentation was entitled: E2011-2012 winter radiation fogs at CIBA (Spain): Observations compared to WRF simulations using different PBL parameterizations

His report from the EMS & ECAC 2012.

Philip Bett

Philipp Bett, YSTA recipient for EMSECAC2012 (photo: private)

Met Office, Exeter, United Kingdom
YSTA to attend the 12th EMS Annual Meeting & 9th ECAC 2012, Łódź, Poland

Philip Bett’s presentation was entitled: European Wind Variability over 140 Years. (link to abstract)

His report from the EMS & ECAC 2012.

Zanita Avotniece

Zanita Avotniece, YSTA recipient for EMSECAC2012 (photo: private)

Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre, Riga, Latvia.
YSTA to attend the 12th EMS Annual Meeting & 9th ECAC 2012, Łódź, Poland

Zanita Avotniece’s presentation was entitled: Trends in the frequency of extreme and hazardous weather events in Latvia.

Her report from the EMS & ECAC 2012.

Paul Alexander

Paul Alexander, YSTA recipient for EUMETSAT2012 (photo: private)

Irish Climate Analysis and Research Units, National University of Ireland, Maynooth
YSTA to attend the EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference 2012, Sopot, Poland

Paul Alexander’s presentation was entitled: Empirical and modelled relationships between remotely sensed data and the urban climate of Dublin.

His report from the EUMETSAT Satellite Conference 2012.

Pauline Martinet

Pauline Martinet, YSTA recipient for EUMETSAT2012 (photo: private)

CNRM, Météo France
YSTA to attend the EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference 2012, Sopot, Poland

Pauline Martinet’s presentation was entitled: New developments for the use of microphysical variables for the assimilation of IASI cloudy radiances.

Her report from the EUMETSAT Satellite Conference 2012.

Petra Mikus

Petra Mikus, YSTA recipient for EUMETSAT2010 (photo: private)

Meteorological and Hydrological Service, Zagreb, Croatia
YSTA to attend the EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference 2012, Sopot, Poland

Petra Mikus’ presentation was entitled: Characteristic of lightning activity in deep convective clouds with the overshooting tops.

Her report from the EUMETSAT Satellite Conference 2012.

Virginie Guemas

Virginie Guemas, YSTA recipient for ECMWF2012 (photo: private)

IC3, Barcelona, Spain.
YSTA to attend the ECMWF Annual Seminar 2012 on Seasonal Prediction

Read her report from the ECMWF Annual Seminar.

Igor Ivichev

Igor Ivichev, YSTA recipient for NMM2012 (photo: private)

Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Bergen, Norway
YSTA to attend the 28th Nordic Meteorologists’ Meeting 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark

Igor Ivichev gave a presentation entitled Comparison of oil spill trajectory forecasts with surface drifter trajectories in the Barents Sea

His report from the NMM 2012.

Meltem Celen

Meltem Celen, YSTA recipient for BALWOIS2012 (photo: private)

Gebze Institute of Technology (GIT), Department of Environmental Engineering, Turkey.
YSTA to attend the 5th International Scientific Conference on Water, Climate and Environment 2012, Ohrid, FYR of Macedonia

Meltem Celen gave a presentation entitled Water Resources Management Strategy Establishment for the Semi Arid Regions Affected by Climate Change

Her report from the BALWOIS 2012.

Efisio Solazzo

Efisio Solazzo, YSTA recipient for AirQuality2012 (photo: private)

EU Joint Research Centre – ISPRA, Italy
YSTA to attend the 8th International Conference on Air Quality 2012, Athens, Greece

Efisio Solazzo gave a presentation entitled A CDF methodology for interpreting long-time averaged measurements in urban streets

His report from the Air Quality Conference 2012.


Oliver Schlenczek

Oliver Schlenczek, YSTA recipient for ECSS2011 (photo: private)

The University of Nottingham, UK
YSTA to attend the 6th European Conference on Severe Storms (ECSS) 2011, Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Oliver Schlenczek gave a presentation entitled Identification and Tracking of Convective Modes based on Radar Data.

His report from the ECSS 2011

Abdullah Kahraman

Abdullah Kahraman, YSTA recipient for ECSS2011 (photo: private)

Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
YSTA to attend the 6th European Conference on Severe Storms (ECSS) 2011, Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Abdullah Kahraman gave a presentation entitled Severe Hail Climatology of Turkey [link to poster].

His report from the ECSS 2011.

Julia Strelchenko

Julia Strelchenko, YSTA recipient for EMSECAM2011 (photo: private)

St. Petersburg State University, Russian Federation
YSTA to attend the 11th EMS Annual Meeting & 10th ECAM 2011, Berlin, Germany

Julia Strelchenko gave a presentation entitled Exploring the role of process-oriented GIS in advancing the scientific knowledge in applied meteorology and climatology.

Her report from theEMS & ECAM 2011.

Eva Plavcová

Eva Placova, YSTA recipient for EMSECAM2011 (photo: private)

Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Academy of Sciences Prague, Czech Republic
YSTA to attend the 11th EMS Annual Meeting & 10th ECAM 2011, Berlin, Germany

Eva Plavcová gave a presentation entitled Evaluating links between atmospheric circulation and surface air temperature in climate models in control and future climates.

Her report from the EMS & ECAM 2011

Pierre Pinson

Pierre Pinson, YSTA recipient for EMSECAM2011 (photo: private)

Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark
YSTA to attend the 11th EMS Annual Meeting & 10th ECAM 2011, Berlin, Germany

Pierre Pinson gave a presentation entitled Ensemble and probabilistic forecasting of (u; v) wind for the energy application.

His report from the EM S& ECAM 2011.

Pricilla Marimo

Priscilla Marimo, YSTA recipient for EMSECAM2012 (photo: private)

University of Exeter, UK
YSTA to attend the 11th EMS Annual Meeting & 10th ECAM 2011, Berlin, Germany

Pricilla Marimo gave a presentation entitled Communication of uncertainty in weather forecasts.

Her report from the EMS & ECAM 2011

Martin Ivanov

Martin Ivanov, YSTA recipient for EMSECAM2011 (photo: private)

Bulgarian National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology Sofia, Bulgaria
YSTA to attend the 11th EMS Annual Meeting & 10th ECAM 2011, Berlin, Germany

Martin Ivanov gave a presentation entitled The Northern Hemisphere Temperature during the Twentieth Century: Trend Break and Intermonthly Dissimilarities.

His  report from the EMS & ECAM 2011.

Christian Grams

Christian Grams, YSTA recipient for EMSECAM2012 (photo: private)

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
YSTA to attend the 11th EMS Annual Meeting & 10th ECAM 2011, Berlin, Germany

Christian Grams gave a presentation entitled Quantification of the impact of extratropical transition on the midlatitude flow using potential vorticity inversion.

His report from the EMS & ECAM 2011.

Simon Gosling

Simon Gosling, YSTA recipient for EMSECAM2011 (photo: private)

The University of Nottingham, UK

YSTA to attend the 11th EMS Annual Meeting & 10th ECAM 2011, Berlin, Germany

Simon Gosling gave a presentation entitled Probabilistic projections of the impact of climate change on heat-related mortality in three European cities.

His report from the EMS & ECAM 2011.

Laura Dobor

Laura Dobor, YSTA recipient for EMSECAM2011 (photo: private)

Eötvös Lorand University, Budapest, Hungary
YSTA to attend the 11th EMS Annual Meeting & 10th ECAM 2011, Berlin, Germany

Laura Dobor gave a presentation entitled Retrieval of vertically integrated water vapor from SEVIRI measurements.

Her report from the EMS & ECAM 2011.

Seyda Tilev Tanriover

Seyda Tilev Tanriöver, YSTA recipient for ECMWF2011 (photo: private)

Department of Meteorological Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
YSTA to attend the ECMWF Annual Seminar 2011: Data assimilation for atmosphere and ocean, Reading, UK

Her report from the ECMWF Seminar 2011.

Silvia Terzago

Silvia Terzago, YSTA recipient for ICAM2011 (photo: private)

University of Torino, Italy
YSTA to attend the 31st International Conference on Alpine Meteorology 2011, Aviemore, Scotland

Silvia Terzago gave a presentation entitled Solid and liquid precipitation variability in the Western Italian Alps and links to large scale forcings.

  • Her report from the ICAM2011

Lavinia Laiti

Lavinia Laiti, YSTA recipient for ICAM2011 and MountainMet2012 (photo: private)

University of Trento, Italy
YSTA to attend the 31st International Conference on Alpine Meteorology 2011, Aviemore, Scotland

Lavinia Laiti gave a presentation entitled Analysis of the thermal structure of the Ora del Garda wind from airborne and surface measurements.

Her report from the ICAM 2011.

Johannes Wagner

Johannes Wagner, YSTA recipient for Thorpex2011 (photo: private)

University of Innsbruck, Austria
YSTA to attend the THORPEX European Regional Meeting 2011, Karlsruhe, Germany

Johannes Wagner gave a presentation entitled The mesoscale structure of a mature polar low: Airborne measurements and numerical simulations.

His report from THORPEX European Regional Meeting.


Dennis Stich

Dennis Stich, YSTA recipient for EUMETSAT2010 (photo: private)

DLR, Germany
YSTA to attend the EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference 2010, Córdoba, Spain
2 of 3 awards in all were funded by EUMETSAT.

Dennis Stich gave a presentation on Nowcasting of convection initiation by analysis and fusion of multiple data sources.

His report from the EUMETSAT conference.

Cintia Carbajal Henken

Cintia Carbajal Henken, YSTA recipient for EUMETSAT2010 (photo: private)

Utrecht University/ KNMI, The Netherlands
YSTA to attend the EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference 2010, Córdoba, Spain
2 of 3 awards in all were funded by EUMETSAT.

Cintia Carbajal Henken gave a presentation on Detection of Cb and TCu clouds during daytime from MSG-SEVIRI cloud physical properties and weather radar observations.

Zsófia Kocsis

Zsófia Kocsis, YSTA recipient for EUMETSAT2010 (photo: private)

Hungarian Meteorological Service
YSTA to attend the EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference 2010, Córdoba, Spain
2 of 3 awards in all were funded by EUMETSAT.

Zsófia Kocsis gave a presentation on Comparison of the O3MSAF total ozone and ozone profile products.

Her report from the EUMETSAT conference.

Elena Maksimovich

Elena Maksimovich, YSTA recipient for EMSECAC2010 (photo: private)

University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France
YSTA to attend the EMS&ECAC 2010, Zürich, Switzerland.
5 of 10 travel awards in all were funded by Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Meteorologie (SGM).

Elena Maksimovich gave a presentation on Meteorological factors controlling year-to-year variations in the spring onset of snow melt over the Arctic sea ice.

Her report from the EMS & ECAC 2010.

Matthias Demuzere

Matthias Demuzere, YSTA recipient for EMSECAC2010 (photo: private)

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
YSTA to attend the EMS&ECAC 2010, Zürich, Switzerland.
5 of 10 travel awards in all were funded by Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Meteorologie (SGM).

Matthias Demuzere gave a presentation on The COST733cat software: An example on surface ozone concentrations in Central Europe.

His report from the EMS & ECAC 2010.

Matthieu Chevallier

Matthieu Chevallier, YSTA recipient for EMSECAC2010 (photo: private)

CNRM-Météo France, Toulouse
YSTA to attend the EMS&ECAC 2010, Zürich, Switzerland.
5 of 10 travel awards in all were funded by Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Meteorologie (SGM).

Matthieu Chevallier gave a presentation on Seasonal potential predictability of the Arctic sea ice in the ENSEMBLES and CMIP3 simulations.

His report from the EMS & ECAC 2010.

Gabriella Szépszó

Gabriella Szépszó, YSTA recipient for EMSECAC2010 (photo: private)

Hungarian Meteorological Service, Budapest
YSTA to attend the EMS&ECAC 2010, Zürich, Switzerland.
5 of 10 travel awards in all were funded by Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Meteorologie (SGM).

Gabriella Szépszó gave a presentation on Analysis of the influence of lateral boundary conditions based on REMO RCM simulations over the Carpathian Basin.

Her report from the EMS & ECAC 2010.

Erika Miklos

Erika Miklos, YSTA recipient for EMSECAC2010 (photo: private)

Eötvös Lorand University, Budapest, Hungary
YSTA to attend the EMS&ECAC 2010, Zürich, Switzerland.
5 of 10 travel awards in all were funded by Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Meteorologie (SGM).

Erika Miklos gave a presentation on Analysis of expected regional climate change in the Carpathian Basin using ENSEMBLES model simulations.

Her report from the EMS & ECAC 2010.

Laura Trapero Bagué

Laura Trapero-Bague, YSTA recipient for EMSECAC2010 (photo: private)

Snow and Mountain Research Centre of Andorra (CENMA-IEA), Andorra
YSTA to attend the EMS&ECAC 2010, Zürich, Switzerland.
5 of 10 travel awards in all were funded by Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Meteorologie (SGM).

Laura Trapero Bagué gave a presentation on Modelisation of northerly snow episodes over Andorra (Pyrenees) using WRF.

Her report from the EMS & ECAC 2010.

Rafiq Hamdi

Rafiq Hamdi, YSTA recipient for EMSECAC2010 (photo: private)

Royal Meteorological Institute, Belgium
YSTA to attend the EMS&ECAC 2010, Zürich, Switzerland.
5 of 10 travel awards in all were funded by Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Meteorologie (SGM).

Rafiq Hamdi gave a presentation on Effects of historical urbanization in the Brussels Capital Region on surface air temperature time series: a model study.

His report from the EMS & ECAC 2010.

Zornitsa Spasova

Zornitsa Spasova, YSTA recipient for EMSECAC2010 (photo: private)

National Center of Public Health Protection, health promotion and disease prevention, Sofia, Bulgaria
YSTA to attend the EMS&ECAC 2010, Zürich, Switzerland.
5 of 10 travel awards in all were funded by Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Meteorologie (SGM).

Zornitsa Spasova gave a presentation on Weather and emotional state.

Her report from the EMS & ECAC 2010.

Stéphanie Singla

Stéphanie Singla, YSTA recipient for EMSECAC2010 (photo: private)

YSTA to attend the EMS&ECAC 2010, Zürich, Switzerland.
5 of 10 travel awards in all were funded by Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Meteorologie (SGM).

Stéphanie Singla gave a presentation on Predictability in France : atmospheric forcing or land surface initial conditions?

Her report from the EMS & ECAC 2010.

Damyan Barantiev

Damyan Barantiev, YSTA recipient for EMSECAC2010 (photo: private)

National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology, Bulgaria
YSTA to attend the EMS&ECAC 2010, Zürich, Switzerland.
5 of 10 travel awards in all were funded by Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Meteorologie (SGM).

Damyan Barantiev gave a presentation on Meteorological observations of the coastal boundary layer structure by remote measurement methods for determining the impact of meteorological conditions on the breeze circulation

His report from the EMS & ECAC 2010.

Beatriz Gallardo-Hernando

Beatriz Gallardo-Hernando, YSTA recipient for ERAD2010 (photo: private)

Technical University of Madrid (ETSIT-UPM), Spain
YSTA to attend the 6th European Conferenece on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology ERAD, 2010, Sibiu, Romania

Beatriz Gallardo-Hernando gave a presentation on Wind Turbine Clutter Detection in Scanning Weather Radar Tasks.

Her report from the ERAD2010.

Anna Linkova

Anna Linkova, YSTA recipient for ERAD2010 (photo: private)

Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics of NAS of Ukraine
YSTA to attend the 6th European Conferenece on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology ERAD, 2010, Sibiu, Romania

Anna Linkova gave a presentation on Application of double frequency radar for measurement of monodisperse rain parameters.

Her report from the ERAD2010.

Ivan Güttler

Ivan Güttler, YSTA recipient for ECMWF2010 (photo: private)

Croatian Meteorological Service, Zagreb, Croatia
YSTA to attend the ECMWF Annual Seminar 2010, Reading, UK

His report from the ECMWF Annual Seminar 2010.

Pieter-Jan Baeck

Pieter-Jan Baeck, YSTA recipient for EOS2010 (photo: private)

Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium
YSTA to attend the ESA Earth Observation Summer School 2010, Frascati, Italy.

Pieter-Jan Baeck’s poster was entitled: GERB: Measuring the Earth’s Energy Balance. (1.8 MB)

His report from the Summer School on Earth Observation.

Ana Filipa Carvalho

Ana Filipa Carvalho, YSTA recipient for EOS2010 (photo: private)

Department of Oceanography and Fisheries, University of the Azores, Portugal
YSTA to attend the ESA Earth Observation Summer School 2010, Frascati, Italy.

Ana Filipa Carvalho’s poster was entitled: CONDOR Seamount: Space and Time Ocean Colour and SST variability from 2002 to 2010.

Her report from the Summer School on Earth Observation.

Christopher Lee

Christopher Lee, YSTA recipient for ISARS2010 (photo: private)

University of Manchester, UK
YSTA to attend the ISARS2010, International Symposium for the advancement of Boundary Layer Meteorology, 2010, Paris, France

Christopher Lee gave a presentation on Turbulence Measurements from Radar Wind Profilers – The First Comprehensive Validation of Radar Methods.

His report from the ISARS 2010.

Marius Jonassen

Marius Jonassen, YSTA recipient for NMM2010

University of Bergen, Norway
YSTA to attend the 12th Nordic Meteorologists’ Meeting 2010, Helsinki, Finland

Marius Jonassen gave a presentation entitled The Bergen Shelter.

His report from the NMM 2010.

Tiina Kilpelainen

Tiina Kilpelainen, YSTA recipient for NMM2010 (photo: private)

The University Centre Svalbard, Norway
YSTA to attend the 12th Nordic Meteorologists’ Meeting 2010, Helsinki, Finland

Tiina Kilpelainen gave a presentation entitled Spatial variability and topographic effects over Arctic fjords in Svalbard.

Her report from the NMM 2010.

Hasan Özdemir

Istanbul University, Turkey
YSTA to attend the 4th Conference on Water Observation and Information Systems for Decision Support, BALWOIS 2010, Ohrid, FYR of Macedonia

Hasan Özdemir gave a presentation entitled Reconstruction of Çokal Dam (Çanakkale-Turkey) Breach Flooding Using 1D Hydraulic Modeling.

His report from the BALWOIS Conference 2010.


Peter Szabo

Hungarian Meteorological Service
YSTA to attend the EMS/ECAM 2009, Toulouse, France.

Peter Szabo gave a presention on The evaluation of extreme precipitation and temperature indices based on regional climate models at the Hungarian Meteorological Service.

Richard Foreman

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
YSTA to attend the EMS/ECAM 2009, Toulouse, France.

Richard Foreman gave a presention on Estimation of offshore humidity fluxes from sonic and mean temperature profile data.

Alireza Shahabfar

University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria
YSTA to attend the EMS/ECAM 2009, Toulouse, France.

Alireza Shahabfar gave a presention on High Application of Perpendicular Drought Indices as a Dynamic Drought Monitoring Methode.

Irene Schicker

University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria
YSTA to attend the EMS/ECAM 2009, Toulouse, France.

Irene Schicker gave a presention on High resolution meteorological modelling of the Inn Valley atmosphere.

Paul Williams

University of Reading, UK
YSTA to attend the EMS/ECAM 2009, Toulouse, France.

Paul Williams gave a presention on Application of the Lighthill-Ford Theory of Spontaneous Imbalance to Clear-Air Turbulence Forecasting.

Ulrike Wißmeier

University of Munich LMU, Germany
YSTA to attend the 5th ECSS 2009, Landshut, Germany.

Ulrike Wißmeier presented a poster entitled An investigation of a severe multicellular storm in the tropics.

Zoltán Polyánszky

Hungarian Meteorological Service
YSTA to attend the 5th ECSS 2009, Landshut, Germany.

Zoltán Polyánszky presented a poster entitled Non Mesocyclone Tornadoes in Hungary.

Rabea Haas

University of Cologne, Germany
YSTA to attend the Joint Meeting of the RMetS and the EMS, linked with AMMA, 2009, London, UK.

Joanes Atela

Agricultural Sciences and Resource Management in the Tropics and Subtropics (ARTS), Bonn University, Germany
YSTA to attend the WCC-3 2009, Geneva, Switzerland.

Joanes Atela gave a presentation on Integrated Ecosystem Management (IEM) as a tool for Combating Environmental Change – A case of Western Kenya Integrated Ecosystem Management Project.

Kirsti Salonen

Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki
YSTA to attend the ECMWF Annual Seminar 2009 in Reading, UK.

Tomáš Milér

Masaryk University, Faculty of Education, Brno, Czech Republic
YSTA to attend the 8th EWOC 2009, Prague, Czech Republic – transferred for participation in the EMS/ECAM 2009 in Toulouse, France.

Tomáš Milér gave a presentation on Sample classroom activities based on climate science.

Dèlia Arnold Arias

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
YSTA to attend the 13th Alpine Meteorology (ICAM), May 2009 in Rastatt, Germany.

Dèlia Arnold Arias gave a presentation on High resolution modelling of mountain and valley stations and its applications to complex dispersion conditions.

Zeljko Vecenaj

University of Zagreb, Croatia
YSTA to attend the 13th Alpine Meteorology (ICAM), May 2009 in Rastatt, Germany.

Zeljko Vecenaj gave a presentation on Near-surface turbulence in a bora event.

Hans Orru

Department of Public Health University of Tartu, Estonia
YSTA to attend Air Quality conference, March 2009, Istanbul

Hans Orru gave a presentation on Health impact assessment of locally emitted particulate matter in Tallinn using sectioning modeling techniques.


Edit Hágel

Hungarian Meteorological Service, Budapest

Edit Hágel, received a YSTA to attend the 7th EMS Annual Meeting/ 8th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology 2007, San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain

Ana Cirisan, University of Novi Sad, Serbia

Ana Cirisan received a YSTA to attend the 7th EMS Annual Meeting/ 8th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology 2007, San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain