ems-message August 2018

This category collects all posts that were highlighted in the ems-message of August 2018

August Tweet of the Month

The European Meteorological Society would like to engage with more Member Societies and Associate Members through Twitter. In recent weeks we have started to follow the accounts of some Societies but we may have missed[more]

State of the global and UK climates

Recently two reports have been published that provide assessments of the global and UK climates in 2017. These complement the “WMO Statement on the State of the Global Climate in 2017” that was published by[more]

The 31st Nordic meteorological meeting

The 31st Nordic Meteorological Meeting (NMM31, www.vedur.org/index.php/nmm31) took place in Reykjavík, Iceland, 18-20 June 2018. The meeting is held biennially in the Nordic countries. NMM31 was co-organised by the Icelandic Meteorological Society (www.vedur.org), the Icelandic[more]

Gardening in a Changing Climate

In 2017, the Royal Horticultural Society launched the Gardening in a Changing Climate report which highlights how gardens are critical in helping society to adapt to climate change, but also to help mitigate any further[more]

News from the Spanish Meteorological Association

The Spanish Meteorological Association (AME) was founded as a professional association in 1964. AME is a non-profit society, whose aims, oriented to public service, are summarised in promoting good practices in the field of the[more]

IABM Summer Edition of “UP FRONT” Magazine

The summer edition of UP FRONT, the IABM (International Association of Broadcast Meteorologists) magazine has been published. This edition includes articles on the following:

View from the Chair EMS Annual Meeting Budapest Metsunite –[more]

RMetS Careers Day

On the 23 July, the RMetS held a careers information day for young people aged 14-20. It was an exciting mix of high-quality presentations covering early careers in forecasting and academia, as well as more[more]