News from the Spanish Meteorological Association

The Spanish Meteorological Association (AME) was founded as a professional association in 1964. AME is a non-profit society, whose aims, oriented to public service, are summarised in promoting good practices in the field of the meteorological profession and promoting scientific dissemination and communication between professionals and society. Its purpose, structure and operating regime are detailed in its statutes, which were modified for the last time in February 2005 to agree a new electoral regulation and make membership open to everyone.

The Board of the Association has been renewed in 2017 and it is the will of the new AME Board to go on with the traditional activities of the Society, including several photography contests, the quarterly journal and the traditional scientific meetings.

The focus of the AME quarterly journal “Tiempo y clima” is the dissemination of Meteorology and Climatology information, through cultural content related to these sciences (history, economics, society…) and informative articles on different subjects (weather, climate, the atmosphere, hydrology, health, etc). “Tiempo y Clima” is published in Spanis; it is a sign of identity of AME and a communication forum for the members.

The XXXV Scientific Meeting of Meteorology took place between the 5th and the 7th of March of 2018, organised by AME, and for the 19th time, in collaboration with our dear and close friends from the Portuguese Meteorological and Geophysical Society (APMG). The conference, which was open to international contributions, was a great success with nearly 70 presentations in Spanish, Portuguese and English. The theme this year was “Impact-oriented weather and climate forecasting”, grouped in seven different sessions: Observation of the atmosphere and observation techniques, Physical processes in the atmosphere, Analysis and Prediction of weather, Weather Applications and Climate Services, Variability and Climate Change, Economic and social aspects of meteorology and a poster presentation session.

We think that Spain is a very good place for a congress with the chosen theme, given the difficulties and challenges of weather forecasting in the country. Spain is like a little continent, with a large variety of climates and landscapes, strong gradients in the transition zones, very complex orography and many weather warnings issued every year for many different types of severe weather. The event took place in the beautiful and historical city of León (Spain), well known as the capital of a renowned ancient kingdom and, according to UNESCO, the place where the world’s first parliament was established, in 1188.

Every year AME organises several national video and photography contests. Besides those, every two years, AME co-organises, together with the European Meteorological Society (EMS), the Europhotometeo contest.

We welcome anybody who is interested in joining us to visit our web page and to take part in forthcoming activities.

Ricardo Torrijo Murciano, Asociación Meteorológica Española


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