Carola Detring

Carola Detring works as a Meetings Coordinator at the EMS Office since February 2024.
Her main tasks are focussed on
- Support for conference organisation,
- Website maintenance, and
- Contributing to outreach activities.
Carola graduated in meteorology at FU Berlin, Germany. Her master thesis was focused on statistical meteorology. In April 2019 to December 2024 she started working at the Meteorological Observatory Lindenberg of DWD in the working group on boundary layer processes. Carola is engaged in the acquisition of wind gusts and turbulence from Doppler lidar measurements and concentrates on synergy products for deriving the atmospheric boundary layer height.
She is a member of the German Meteorological Society (DMG), and was involved in the establishment of a youth section of the society (jDMG).
From 2018 to May 2024, she was one of the co-chairs of the jDMG and has a strong interest in building a national and international network of meteorological ECS. This is being realized in the form of an international virtual conference in the MeteoXchange project. From 2020 to 2023 she was the first young sientist respresentative on the Committee on Meetings of the EMS.
Carola’s activities in establishing networks of early career scientists was reckognized with the EMS Outstanding Contribution Award she received in 2023.