jDMG: Founding of a section of students and early career scientists in Germany
We are happy to communicate the formation of the youth section of the German Meteorological Society (DMG). The “junge DMG” (jDMG) was initiated to strengthen the integration of students and young members in the society. All members of the society are invited to participate in the main scope of the jDMG. Students, Ph.D candidates and all young scientists whose studies focus on meteorology or physical oceanography are welcome to join jDMG.
The jDMG will focus on networking (national and international), topics relating to career paths, special offers at conferences (e.g. separate time slots for talks, soft skill workshops and the provision of childcare at conferences), events at universities (e.g. “Meet the Prof“ and excursions to companies) and the promotion of the interests of young members.
At this year’s meeting of students of meteorology (StuMeTa) in Cologne and Bonn, a Chair and Vice-Chair of the jDMG have been elected. The Chair, Carola Detring, is currently finishing her master studies in meteorology at the Freie Universität Berlin, after having received her Bachelor degree in 2016. The vice-chair Peter Hoffmann studied meteorology in Hamburg and Oklahoma and received his Ph.D at the Universität Hamburg in 2012. He is now a scientist at the Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) in Hamburg.
The jDMG Team
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