ems-message January 2021

MeteoIQ joins the EMS as 31st Associate Member

Dennis Schulze, Managing Director of MeteoIQ is excited about the organization becoming Associate Member of EMS: “The global weather enterprise can only flourish when all stakeholders – private, public and academic – have an open dialogue. The EMS offers an excellent platform for this and we as MeteoIQ are very happy to be part of that …[more]

AI for Natural Disaster Management

A Focus Group on Artificail Intelligence for Natural Disaster Management (FG-AI4NDM) has been lauched under the auspices of ITU/WMO/UNEP. The focus group is building a community of experts and stakeholders to explore current practices (and untapped potential) in the use of AI to support[more]

New members on the EMS Committees

Young scientists have volunteered to work on the EMS Committee on Meetings, and the TAA committee has a new chair. We welcome Carola Detring, Peter Kalverla and Victoria Sinclair on the CoM and Robert Mureau as the new head of the TAA committee.[more]

Publication: Weather and climate information supporting sustainable development goals

Owing to a lack of understanding, and data being unavailable, unusable or unsuitable, weather and climate information is currently underutilised in Sustainable Development Goal implementation. Improvements are essential in knowledge brokering, clarifying responsibilities, multi-institutional and multi-stakeholder governance arrangements and research on systemic risks and decisions.[more]