News Room

EMS Sofia meetings: Council and General Assembly

The EMS Council on 06 September 2015 in Sofia, Bulgaria, eleceted Jean-Pierre Chalon, France, as new Vice-President, and K. Heinke Schlünzen as new EMS Treasurer. Bob Riddaway, who represented the RMetS, UK, on the EMS Council for 7 years, is now replaced by Ewen McCallum.[more]

EMS Outreach & Communication Award 2015 for the UK Festival of Weather, Arts and Music (WAM)

The EMS Outreach & Communication Award 2015 is presented to the UK Festival of Weather, Arts and Music; two other projects will receive honourable mentions.

Founded in 2012 by Pierrette Thomet Stott, the Festival of Weather, Arts and Music (WAM) has found new ways to communicate the beauty and fascination of meteorology thereby enhancing the understanding of weather and climate science by the general public in the United Kingdom. This outstanding initiative has broadened the reach of scientific meteorology, [more]

EMS Young Scientist Award 2015 for Miguel Potes

The EMS Young Scientist Award 2015 is awarded to Miguel Potes from the University of Evora, Portugal, for his publication: “Satellite remote sensing of water turbidity in Alqueva reservoir and implications on lake modelling”, M. Potes, M. J. Costa and R. Salgado; Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 16, [more]

Anton Eliassen selected to receive EMS Silver Medal 2015

Prestigious award for outstanding service to the European and international meteorological community and pioneering efforts to make meteorological data freely available.

Berlin/Oslo, 13 May 2015 – The European Meteorological Society (EMS) has chosen Anton Eliassen[more]

First EMS Outstanding Contribution Award to Tanja Cegnar

The EMS Council at its recent Session selected Tanja Cegnar, chair of the EMS Media Team, as the first recipient of the EMS Outstanding Contribution Award.

She is honoured for her relentless pursuit of the Media and Communication activities of the Society, continuously contributing to their growth and promoting with exceptional dedication the international networking of Broadcast Meteorologists,[more]