EMS Sofia meetings: Council and General Assembly
The EMS Council on 06 September 2015 in Sofia, Bulgaria, eleceted Jean-Pierre Chalon, France, as new Vice-President, and K. Heinke Schlünzen as new EMS Treasurer. Bob Riddaway, who represented the RMetS, UK, on the EMS Council for 7 years, is now replaced by Ewen McCallum.
The President, Horst Boettger, thanked the outgoing Council members Joanna Wibig, Sylvain Joffre and Bob Riddaway for all their work and contributions, the latter also for his work as Vice President and the many initiatives he instigated over the years.
The General Assembly on the same day then elected two new Members on the EMS Council – the Austrian Society for Meteorology (ÖGM), represented by Fritz Neuwirth, and the Swedish Meteorological Society (SMS), represented by Svante Bodin -, and extended the term of the APMG, represented by Luís Pessanha, and ?MeS, represented by Tomáš Halenka, by one year until autumn 2016. The latter extensions were made according to the transition agreements in the new constitution approved by the 16th General Assembly in 2014.
Other decisions of the EMS Council:
- A fourth photo competition Europhotometeo’16 will be announced in autumn 2015; a pre-selection committee has been approved by Council, based on nominations from EMS Member Societies.
- Strategy review with the aim to approve a new plan in spring 2016.
- The dates for the EMS Annual Meetings in 2017 have been brought one week forward (04-08 Sept. 2017); the venue for the EMS Annual Meeting 2018 has been choosen: Corvinus University, Budapest, Hungary, 03-07 Sept. 2018. Copenhagen is under consideration for 2019.
- Agreement with the Tromp Foundation on the EMS Tromp Award.
- Awards: treatment of non-selected nominations: for particular awards the nominations will in future be carried forward for the next call.
The next EMS Council Session will be held 17 – 18 March 2016, in the frame of the DACH2016 in Berlin.
The next EMS General Assembly will convene on Sunday, 11 September 2016, in Trieste, at Stazione Marittima, the venue for the EMS & ECAC 2016.
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