Outstanding Poster Award 2015 for Julian Tödter and Bodo Ahrens
Poster on Ensemble-based Soil Initialization for Seasonal-to-Decadal Predictions
The committee congratulated the winners on their excellent presentation, which was well organised, clear with good structure and most importantly attractive.
The science was innovative and raised important issues for both NWP and climate modelling.
The selection was based on the criteria as defined by EMS, namely:
- Scientific quality;
- Innovativeness of the approach;
- Potential impacts of the results;
- Presentation aspects, including clarity of the message to readers of the poster.
The Selection Committee consisted of the following people:
- Ingeborg Auer, Austria
- Frank Beyrich, Germany
- Marie Doutriaux Boucher, EUMETSAT
- Georgi Georgiev, Bulgaria
- Ewen McCallum, United Kingdom (Chair)
The award consists of one registration fee waiver for the EMS&ECAC 2016 in Trieste, a certificate and a trophy which will both be handed out during the Awards Session in Trieste.
The poster will be on display in Trieste and be highlighted on the EMS website as example of Best Practice.
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