Activities of the Hellenic Meteorological Society

Weather experiment activities for high school students.

The Hellenic Meteorological Society (HMS) was founded on April 8, 1974 in Athens. Its principal aims are the promotion and dissemination of meteorological science and its applications, and supporting and assisting Greek meteorologists. Prof. Panagiotis Nastos has been the President of HMS since 2010. One of HMS’s main aims is the communicating of the science of meteorology to the general public. To achieve this, HMS organises the following:

  • Meteorological workshops and experiments for schools and universities, in order to discuss leading edge meteorological topics, such as extreme weather phenomena and advances in weather forecasting.
  • Weather experiment activities for high school students
  • Meetings to bring together scientists and weather amateurs/enthusiasts
  • Weather photography competitions and meteorological calendars featuring the best weather photos from the competitions, enriched with meteorology terminology on specific phenomena and proverbs and poems relevant to weather.
  • Participation in special events, such as “Researchers Nights” or “Athens Science Festival” to bring together weather scientists and children.
  • Lectures about atmospheric phenomena as part of specific events, such as the International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies – IYL 2015
  • Interactive weather science and technology events in collaboration with the Hellenic National Meteorological Service and EUMETSAT. Guests have the opportunity to see meteorological instruments, learn how they work, talk to scientists working as weather forecasters and become aware of the crucial role of human activity on climate destabilisation.
Exhibition of meteorological instruments
  • Annual prestigious events in collaboration with the Hellenic National Meteorological Service to celebrate World Meteorological Day.
Researchers Night 2017 in Athens

The Hellenic Meteorological Society has been a co-organiser of the bienniel COMECAP International Conference on Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics since 1992 when it was held in Thessaloniki. This conference includes participants from the Hellenic Meteorological Society and colleagues from other countries working in disciplines associated with the study of the atmospheric.


Over the years HMS members have won EMS awards as detailed below:

By Prof. Panagiotis Nastos, HMS President


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