Effect of weather on people’s emotional state and other interesting articles
The effect of weather on people’s emotional state is the most downloaded article in the Advances in Science and Research (ASR), the international journal of the EMS for contributions in applied meteorology and climatology. From phenology to palaeoclimatology, to the socio-economic benefits of weather to the use of social media by National Meteorological Services – you’ll find these and a lot more in ASR.
This journal has been the peer-reviewed international journal of the European Meteorological Society since 2007. Since then, presenters of oral and poster presentations at the EMS Annual Meeting have been invited to publish their research in this journal. Conveners of sessions at the Annual Meeting traditionally act as topical editors of the journal.
Papers on a wide range of topics relevant to meteorology, climatology, oceanography and more are accepted for publication in ASR. You can find recently published articles, frequently downloaded articles and articles by volume of ASR here.
All ASR publications are freely available for download under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. From the author’s point of view, it is useful that ASR tracks the number and location of each article’s download history and citations using article level metrics (ALMs).
So the next time you attend the EMS Annual Meeting, perhaps you’ll consider publishing your work as a short paper in our ASR journal!
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