UPDATE: EMS Digital Dialogue: 8 & 9 September
Update information: the DigitalMETDialogue will now stretch over two days:
8 September 2020, 10:00: Open Science, Open Data
8 September 2020, 14:00: COVID-19 and meteorology
9 September 2020, 14:00: Enabling the Weather Enterprise in Europe for the 21st century
The additional session on 9 September 2020 is organised jointly by PRIMET and ECOMET, and will highlight achievements of the past 25 years and challenges for the next 25 years and proposed solutions. For more details see below.
10:00 – 11:30 Discussion on open science and open data: approach, practice, legal, tools
The concept of Open Science is at the heart of scientific activity aimed at having a more transparent, reproducible, accessible, communicated and collaborative framework. Progress is being made but there are still barriers and issues to be addressed and solved. The EMS debate will address the various arguments and constraining factors, and provide some practical examples of everyday scientific activities and their facilitating tools.
We have invited three speakers who will cover different aspects and provide diverse perspectives.
- Wilco Hazeleger, Dean of the Faculty of Geosciences at Utrecht University, will speak on digitalization and open science in general, with emphasis on applications to environmental sciences.
- Peter Kalverla, Research Software Engineer at the Netherlands eScience Center: Why sharing code is vital for open science (and how to get started)
- Gerhard Adrian, elected WMO President in 2019 and Director of the German Weather Service, will speak on Open Data versus financing the global observing system and on the interests of the fast growing data industry for commercialisation of data acquisition – both topics are widely discussed on all levels of operational meteorology: national, European and on the global levels within the WMO framework.
- Also intended is to have a speaker dealing with the specific tools that are available and the frameworks for exchanging information about the links between scholarly literature and data.
Following the presentations, there will be a discussion and Q&A session that it expected to be both lively and informative.
The presentations and discussion will be moderated by Carlo Buontempo, Director of the Copernicus Climate Change Services at ECMWF and member of the strategic EMS Committee on Meetings.
14:00 – 15:30 Scientific presentations on COVID-19 and meteorology
At the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, questions were raised concerning the connections with weather (temperature and humidity) and climatic (seasonality) conditions as well as with air pollutants as carriers of the virus. The economic lock-down that followed resulted in decreased CO2-emissions; whether this will have implications for the ability to achieve the climate targets of the Paris agreement has been raised. Three or four speakers will provide some insight into the state of knowledge on these issues. There will then be a session when the audience has an opportunity to discuss these issues and ask questions.
Confirmed speakers:
- Prof. Jan C. Semenza, Head of the Health Determinants Programme at the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), will summarize some of the recent literature on seasonality and COVID-19 and then discuss other relevant work at ECDC.
- F. Fierli, A. Cacciari, R. Munro (all EUMETSAT), J. Wagemann, C. Clerbaux (both LATMOS & AC-SAF)
The effect of the COVID-19 lockdown in early 2020 on pollution. The authors discuss a combined analysis of the changes in atmospheric composition during spring 2020 based on the observations of satellite instruments. - A speaker on the impact of the COVID-19 lockdown and climate, specifically the CO2 emissions has been invited.
The presentations and discussion will be moderated by Bert Holtslag, Professor Emeritus at Wageningen University, and incoming President of the EMS.
9 September 2020, 1400-1530: Virtual Conference ‘Enabling the Weather Enterprise in Europe for the 21st century’ (Convened by PRIMET and ECOMET)
Since the last EMS Conference, the dialogue aimed at creating a more enterprising and global approach to delivering weather services to the world community has progressed further through various forums and events.
The aim of this session is to examine the value chain from a European perspective, describe examples of value creation and underlying factors, highlighting the progress towards more efficient solutions, and to focus on the most important challenges that lie ahead.
- Prof Alan Thorpe, World Bank: Evolution of the Global Weather Enterprise
- Mary Glackin, American Meteorological Society: The Weather Enterprise: Conflict or Cooperation?
- Karl Gutbrod, Meteoblue: Evolution of private weather services in different countries
More details on the concept of this session can be found at EMS2020 session ES1.1 Enabling the Weather Enterprise for the 21st century
How to participate
Details on how to participate in the events will be published closer to the digital day. Keep watching our website and social channels and the events page at https://www.emetsoc.org/events/ems-digitalmetdialogue/
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