Webinar: An Introduction to the PALM model

The PALM model system has been continuously developed at the Institute of Meteorology and Climatology (IMUK), Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH), Germany, since 1997. It is used to study micro- and meso-scale turbulent boundary layer flows in the atmosphere and the ocean.

PALM webinar: description
PALM webinar: description

PALM includes a number of advanced features like topography, non-cyclic boundary conditions with turbulent inflow, an embedded Lagrangian particle model allowing explicit treatment of cloud droplet physics, a wind turbine model for simulating complete wind parks including wake effects, or an interface for adding user defined code. Recently, the model has been significantly extended in a collaborative effort of several research institutions for urban applications (PALM-4U), which includes explicit treatment of urban surfaces, chemistry, radiation, but also LES-nesting and nesting into larger scale models. Data input and output is in NetCDF format. PALM is optimised for high performance on all kind of state-of-the-art processor architectures and it scales on up to several tens of thousands of processors. PALM is free software and can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU General Public License (v3). Download information and a detailed online documentation is available under https://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/trac.

What is the seminar about?

The one week seminar gives an overview of PALM, and demonstrates how to carry out runs – on Linux computers provided by the participants. Seminar contents comprise e.g. a general introduction to large-eddy simulation, an overview of PALM’s governing equations, applied numerical methods, the various PALM features and application examples.

A brief introduction to the PALM installation will be given, but the main focus of the seminar is on how to set up PALM simulations, how to run them using the shell scripts provided with PALM, and how to analyse the output. Setups for several standard applications will be explained in detail (e.g. convection, flow around buildings, etc.). Further attention is given to topics like how to extend PALM by user-generated code and how to debug the code.
Besides the theoretical lessons which will be provided for download, there will be hands-on sessions, where participants carry out exercises under the online guidance of the lecturers.

Who is this seminar meant for?

This seminar is designed for future scientific users of PALM, who have yet little to no prior experience with PALM. A solid background in modelling, particularly CFD-modelling, Fortran 2003, MPI, and Linux/Unix is of advantage.


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