A big Thank You to all for attending this first hybrid EMS Annual Meeting; we were enthralled to see so many back and welcome many early career scientists attending for the first time. Whether you participated in person in Bonn or online, we hope your expectations were met und the conference was interesting and will result in many new collaborations and projects. [more]
In 2021, the Meteorological Societies in Africa have established a permanent organization called African Meteorological Society (AfMS) for their cooperation to build capacity in Africa. Similar to the EMS, the AfMS is the association of meteorological societies from the African continent.[more]
The EMS General Assembly on 4 Septenber elected two new Council representatives, discussed the status of implementation of the Strategic Plan. It was also considered how nominations for awards can be increased. Dick Blaauboer was welcome as the new chair of the EMS CoM and Sylvain Joffre honoured for his outstanding contributions to develop the Annual Meeting to the forum it is today.[more]
The committee has unanimously selected this poster mainly because it very well reflects the theme of the conference “Connecting Communities”. It has a visually appealing way of presenting an approach to understanding awareness of a hazard and this can be easily applied to other hazards.[more]