EMS Council and General Assembly 2022
EMS Council
The General Assembly has elected two new Societies to the EMS Council for the next three years:
- Joanna Wibig will represent Polskie Towarzystwo Geofizyczne – Meteorological Section (PTG) and
- Ernesto Rodriguez-Camino of Asociación Meteorologica Española (AME) the Spanish Member Societies.
The President thanked Jordi Mazon (ACAM, Spain) and Paulína Valová, (SMS, Slovakia) for their contributions and critical interventions during the last three years. In particular, their contributions to the preparations of the Annual Meetings planned for 2020 and 2021, though then cancelled/moved to virtual, were highly appreciated by the EMS.
Handover of CoM chair
After these meetings, the chair of the EMS Committee on Meetings, Sylvain Joffre, handed over to Dick Blaauboer, who was welcome as the new chair of the CoM. Sylvain Joffre was honoured for his outstanding contributions to develop the Annual Meeting to the forum it is today.
EMS Technology Achievement Award 2023 – how to increase the number of nominations
Dominique Marbouty as a member of the TAA committee and EMS Vice-President gave a presentation about the history of the award and the type of projects and technologies that would fit the profile for the award.
Members were asked to consider projects and developments in their country/communities that could qualify for the award, and consider to submit a short proposal in autumn this year.
How to get to net zero
At the session it was agreed that the 25th General Assembly in 2023 will consider ways for EMS to make its operations net zero, and in particular the Annual Meeting. It is planned to hold the 25th EMS General Assembly as an in-person meeting on the weekend before the Annual Meeting 2022 in Bratislava, Slovakia, i.e. on Sunday 2 September 2022.
Implementation of the Strategic Plan 2021 – 2024
Council and General Assembly discussed progress and noted/agreed next steps:
- As the launch of JEMS (Journal of the EMS) is progressing and its importance becoming clear raising its priority should be considered;
- In the context of naming chairs and members of the working groups a it was agreed that instead of four working groups (for 4 objectives) there will be one monitoring group that consists of the Vice President, the chairs of existing EMS Committees and two or three more volunteers from Council or the EMS Membership;
- It was noted that progress since the plan was approved was quite substantial and that this should be communicated to the public/the membership through a publication;
- The list of actions is still quite long and ambitious; further prioritising is advisable;
- Information of Member Societies’ Webinars need to be promoted by the EMS Secretariat on the website and included in the newsletter.
It was decided that a more in-depth discussion of the strategy will be scheduled for the Council Session 50 in spring 2023, addressing in particular
(i) the question of what is the long-term goal of the strategy (vision for the EMS),
(ii) a possible extension of the period covered by the strategy and
(iii) how should EMS develop its engagement with “lay-people” / non-professionals.
President 2023 – 2026
The term of the current President will end in September 2023. A call for nominations of a candidate as EMS President to follow him next year will be sent to EMS Member Societes in autumn, and they are asked to consider possible candidates.
Minutes of
- the GA2022 will become available on this website in October 2022 at https://www.emetsoc.org/about-ems/general-assembly/ and
- those of the Council at https://www.emetsoc.org/about-ems/council/council-meetings/
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