The way to the new strategic plan
The EMS Council is in the process of preparing a new strategic plan. As part of that process, input was sought from the representations who participated in the General Assembly that was held in Lyngby on 8 September. The break-out group provided many interesting and thought-provoking views in response to the following set of questions.
- What does the EMS do well and what could it do better?
- What could the EMS do that it does not do at present?
- What could the EMS stop doing that it does at present?
- What do you want from the ems-message and how could its reach be improved?
- What could be done to enhance the EMS Annual Meetings?
For a summary of the responses see the slide show below or download the pdf here.
Two of the break-out groups also provided some suggestions about the actions that might be taken to address the strategic issues identified by Council. The results can also be found in the slide gallery below and downloaded as pdf here.
All the input from the break out groups will be of great value in the preparation of the new strategic plan. It is intended this plan will be presented to the next session of the General Assembly which will be in Bratislava, Slovakia, on 6 September 2020.
Bob Riddaway
EMS President
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