The EMS President reports on the Council and General Assembly in Lyngby
As usual, the EMS Council and General Assembly met on the day before the start of the EMS Annual Meeting. These were lively and informative meetings and they play an important role in the governance of the EMS. Thanks go to everyone who contributed to making a success of these meetings. The key outcomes of the two events are as follows.
EMS Council
The Council plans, directs, monitors and manages the affairs of the EMS. At its 41st session, the Council:
- Accepted the proposal of DWD and DMG to hold the EMS Annual Meeting 2022 at the University of Bonn, Germany from 4 to 9 September.
- Approved the change to the license contract with Copernicus GmbH – the organisation that makes the administrative arrangements for the Annual Meetings: To make the conference more environmental-friendly, a persistent web application (PWA) will be provided to run the conference website and online programme online or offline on mobile devices, notebooks, or PCs. The PWA will be easily readable, functional and user friendly on all devices available on the market. This substitutes the need to access the programme information in form of a printed book or a CD/USB Flash Drive.
- Designated the coordinator and organising committee and members of the pre-selection committee of the Europhotometeo competition to be held in 2020.
- Approved the EMS budget for 2020.
In addition, the Council agreed the following actions.
- Explore the practicalities of the Meteorological Technology World Expos (MTXs) being held in the same place and at the same time as the EMS Annual Meetings.
- Set-up a contract for a communications specialist to help produce a communications and social media strategy.
- Cease production of the ems-message, but after the meeting it was decided to keep producing the ems-message until the communications and social media strategy is available.
Minutes of this session are available at
The next session of Council will take place in Reading, UK, on 24/25 March 2020.
General Assembly
The General Assembly consists of representatives of the Member Societies and Associate Members. The 25 participants who attended the General Assembly:
- Approved the reports of the Bureau (consisting of the President, Vice-President and Treasurer) and the Treasurer, and appointed a new auditor.
- Reviewed the arrangements for electing a new President who will take up office in September 2020.
- Welcomed the Estonian Meteorological Society as new EMS Member Society and the Danish Meteorological Institute as new EMS Associate Member.
- Elected the Slovak Meteorological Society (SMS), represented by Paulína Valová for the term autumn 2019 – autumn 2022, and the Jordi Mazon of the Associació Catalana de Meteorologia to represent the meteorological societies in Spain from autumn 2019 – autumn 2021, with the Asociación Meteorologica Española appointing a representative from autumn 2021 – autumn 2022.
The Council is in the process of preparing a new strategic plan for the period 2020–2023. At the General Assembly the break-out groups provided input to the strategic plan. The information provided by those groups will help set the direction for the next three years.
Minutes of this Assembly are available at
The next Assmebly will be held on 6 September 2020 in Bratislava.
Bob Riddaway
EMS President
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