MeteoXchange – Student & Early Career Scientists Conference

MeteoXchange announces the first Student & Early Career Scientists Conference: it will be held as a FREE virtual conference on  17th and 18th March 2022.

The ECS conference provides an excellent opportunity for Masters, Undergraduate and PhD students, as well as early career scientists, working in fields related to meteorology to present their work in a friendly environment.

There will be a keynote lecture, poster sessions as well as sessions for oral presentations. Furthermore there will be a workshop „Improve your presentation skills“ in preparation of this ECS conference in the beginning of March, an evening icebreaker event and a movie night!

Abstract submission: 4 Febrauary 2022 is deadline

To submit an abstract please find more details and register at the MeteoXchange ECS conference website.

The organisers will try to accommodate suitable times for participants from all time zones as much as possible, so the final programme will only be set and published after the abstracts have been received and scheduled.


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