Deutsche Meteorologische Gesellschaft


Established: 1883
Number of members: 1824
President: Frank Böttcher

Purpose & objectives:

DMG understands itself as a forum for communication and exchange, and acting in the interest of its members. DMG has six regional sections and five committees on: Biometeorology, History of Meteorology, Environmental Meteorology, Hydrometeorology and Energy Meteorology.

Main activities:

  • organisation of topical conferences, for example on biometeorology, applications of environmental meteorology
  • organisation of the triennial conference DACH, together with ÖGM and SGM
  • publication of the Meteorologische Zeitschrift, together with ÖGM and SGM

Recent news and activities:

Contact information:

c/o Institut für Meteorologie
Freie Universität Berlin
C-H-Becker-Weg 6-10
12165 Berlin
Executive Secretary: Marion Schnee