Interview with DaMS Member Sebastian Pelt

EMS LC: Is your job related to meteorology?
Yes, it is. I work for the Danish TV station, TV 2, where my main tasks are weather forecasting and writing weather-related articles for our website.
EMS LC: What society are you a member of, and since when?
I have been a member of the Danish Meteorological Society (DaMS) since 2006. For a short time I was co-editor of the magazine called VEJRET (“The Weather”). It is the quarterly magazine published by DaMS.
EMS LC: Why are you a member? What aspects of meteorology interests you most?
I like to meet other people with the same passion for meteorology as me. For the past eight years I have done some intense research on storm surges in the Baltic Sea. In general, I am very interested in severe weather and historical weather.
EMS LC: What is your favourite type of weather?
It is hard to choose – but I have to say an intense extratropical low. Almost every type of severe weather can be experienced in connection with a strong winter-storm. Wind gusts of hurricane-strength, thundersnow, huge waves and occasionally storm surges too.
EMS LC: What is the extent of your involvement in your Met Society?
I am an Ordinary Member of DaMS. As already mentioned, I have been co-editor of our quarterly magazine. I have also given a lecture about severe storm surges in the Baltic Sea and have written many article for the quarterly magazine over the past seven years.
EMS LC: What type of Met Society events do you like to attend? Have you ever attended an event remotely, via a webinar, Facebook Live, etc?
I attend as many DaMS meetings as possible. For those who cannot attend in person, the lectures and presentations can be found on YouTube.
EMS LC: What type of events would you like your organisation to host? Do you have any suggestions of new types of event to be run by your Met Society?
To be honest I like the current structure with three to four meetings annually. For example, the recent autumn meeting involved a talk by Kasper Hintz on crowd-sourced data for improving weather forecasts from the HARMONIE-AROME meteorological model. Our Christmas meeting on December 12 was held at DTU Risø Campus and involved a visit to the newly constructed Poul la Cour wind tunnel and lectures by Andrea Hahmann and Anna Maria Sempreviva on meteorological modelling activities at DTU Wind.
EMS LC: What has been your favourite event to date that was carried out by your Met Society?
There have been a lot of very exciting events held by DaMS. Some have been about climate dynamics and others have covered other applications of meteorology.
EMS LC: What advantages do you get from being a member of your Met Society?
The main advantage of being a member of DaMS is getting the quarterly magazine “The Weather”. In addition, members have the opportunity to attend the many meetings which are organised each year.
EMS LC: How are you kept informed of the activities of your Met Society?
On DaMS’ website, and in the magazine, where every event is announced.
EMS LC: How is social media used to support the activities of your Met Society? What more could be done to enhance the social media presence of your Met Society?
As far as I know, DaMS is not on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
EMS LC: What could be done by the EMS to enhance its support for your Met Society and the European meteorological community in general?
That is a very good question. I do not know much about EMS yet, but I hope to learn more about the organisation.
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