Profile of the Icelandic Meteorological Society
The purpose of the Icelandic Meteorological Society, or Veðurfræðifélagið, is to improve and deepen the knowledge of meteorology and related fields in Iceland. The society is open to all with a genuine interest in the subject. The website of the society ( contains information about the society, national meetings and an English-Icelandic dictionary of meteorological terms.
The main activity of the society is the organisation of two or three national meetings every year. These meetings are open to all and are well attended events, where professional meteorologists and weather enthusiasts meet and share their interest in weather. Lectures on research and applications in meteorology and related fields are given by both professionals and amateurs. The last meeting was a joint meeting with the Icelandic aviation authorities, Isavia, and included a broad spectre of talks on aviation and weather.
In 2017, the society, together with the Icelandic Meteorological Office and the University of Iceland, organizedthe 34th International Conference on Alpine Meteorology (ICAM, In June 2018 the 31st Nordic Meteorological Meeting (NMM31, will take place in Reykjavík and the society is of course partaking in the preparations. NMM31 is a short conference on meteorology and climatology in the Nordic countries, open to anyone interested.
by Guðrún Nína Petersen
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