EMS2022 is coming up …

Preparations for the EMS Annual Meeting in Bonn are on the final leg. We look forward to the first hybrid version of this event, after two years of meeting virtually. Thus, the thematic focus of the conference, Connecting communities to deliver seamless weather and climate science and services, gets a very literal meaning as we will be able to connect again in-person and discuss face-to-face for those coming to Bonn. And beyond that the connection to many scientists, service providers and policy makers close and far will be possible through the hybrid format.

We are testing different approaches and certainly will have to learn what works for the participants online and onsite, and what doesn’t. So, we are very excited to finally see the meeting come to live, with a very interesting programme that is developing through the engagement of the community and the involvement of many new convenors and first time participants.

As registered participant, online or onsite, you can already access any pre-uploaded display material related to the authors work and presentation, comment on this and thus get already in exchange with the author(s). For more details see the EMS2022 format.

The opening morning is dedicated to the discussion about the conference theme,  focussing on challenges and strategic visions for “connecting communities” towards future seamless actions and research in Europe. Eminent speakers will give their views in short impulse presentations that prepare the following panel and audience discussion. See more details at the programme pf the high-level opening discussion.

The hosts and organisers have also prepared many side events, workshops, and excursions, including the „Café Météorologique“ that aim to bring science, society and policy together, and events in interactive formats are organised throughout the week in various locations in Bonn. Find out more about what goes on during the EMS2022 week in Bonn: www.ems2022.eu

Registration for onsite and online participation is possible anytime, but note that also for onsite participation during the conference week, the registration through the webpage is required; the name badge can then be picked up at the information desk at the venue.


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