Award Lectures and ceremonies at EMS2022

We are delighted to honour the 2022 awardees at this EMS Annual Meeting. All our awardees will present their work during the event in Bonn. The awards will be handed over in two sessions:

The Closing reception  that will include the Announcement winner of Innovative poster presentation award 2022 is scheduled for Friday, 09 Sep, 15:45–16:15 (CEST) in the HZS Foyer.

EMS Young Scientist Conference Awards (YSCA)

Tromp Foundation Travel Award to Young Scientists (TFTAYS)

Innovative Presentation Award 2021

Alice Portal won the first EMS Innovative Presentation Award with her pre-recorded video presentation on Predictions of the boreal winter stratosphere with the C3S multi-model seasonal forecast system:


EMS Tromp Award for an outstanding achievement in biometeorology

EMS Tromp Awardee 2022 Branislava Lalić (photo: private)Branislava Lalić was selected for the  EMS Tromp Award for an outstanding achievement in biometeorology 2022. Branislava Lalić is Professor at the Faculty of Agriculture in Novi Sad. She is awarded for the publication: “Identifying Crop and Orchard Growing Stages Using Conventional Temperature and Humidity Reports“, Proceedings of the Atmosphere 2022. Find more details at

Branislava Lalić:  Thu, 08 Sep, 14:00–14:30 in Session OSA2.2
Air temperature and humidity records-based indices as signals of seasonal changes

EMS Media Awards

In 2022, two outstanding projects are honoured with the EMS Outreach and Communication Award: The ExtremeWeatherCongress, Germany, and the Podcast De Weerman, The Netherlands. They both fulfil communication needs on climate issues and are valuable tools to communicate weather and climate information. The contributions keep on living in the internet, and interested people can find them. Find more details at

Session ES2.1 Science Communication and media  | Thu, 08 Sep, 09:00–13:00 (CEST)

  • 09:15–09:30: Podcast De Weerman – Outreach & Communication Award
  • 10:00–10:15: Extreme Weather Congress – Outreach & Communication Award

EMS Technology Achievement Award

The EMS Technology Achievement Award 2022 for significant technology achievements and innovations in the field of meteorology and earth observation is this year awarded to the Weather Observation Website (WOW) Project . The accessibility to near real time weather observations and photographs assists forecasters in providing more accurate and timely warning systems and enables first responders to prepare for extreme events in good time – thereby lessening the impacts on lives and property. It also stimulates the public to take part in weather and climate science because of its open data policy. It has the potential to increase the general interest in and knowledge about weather factors and how forecasts and warnings are issued. Not just by welcoming private weather station observations, but, for instance, WOW for Schools could offer an important contribution to such knowledge if spread to more countries. In other words: It is really “citizen science”.

A partner of the WOW project will give the award presentation in Session ES1.6 Open Data – data, application development, impact on Monday , 05 Sep, 16:00 (CEST)  |  Room HS 2

EMS Silver Medal

Elena Mateescu will receive the EMS Silver Medal 2022. This award recognizes her lifelong scientific contribution to the field of agrometeorology, her outstanding services to the European meteorological community, as well as her leading and coordinating research at national and European levels.

The Silver Medal ceremony, which includes a Silver Medal Lecture by the Laureate, takes place on Monday evening in the Awards Session: Mon, 05 Sep, 18:00–19:00 (CEST).
The laudation will be given by Tanja Cegnar, Slovenian Environment Agency, and chair of the EMS Media and Communication Committee.

Silver Medal Lecture: “EMS Silver Medal: Recognition & motivation of women to the benefit of the meteorological science

Harry Otten Prize 2023: Announcement

The Harry Otten Foundation announces the Harry Otten Prize with a biennial cycle since 2011;  invited are ideas  that are innovative, practical, realizable and bring Meteorology forward in society.

Submissions of ideas for the 2023 Prize round will be accepted starting on 15 September 2022 and ending on 10 March 2023. The Prize will be awarded at the EMS Annual Meeting in 2023 (foreseen in Bratislava):


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