EMS Annual Meeting 2021 goes virtual
We continue the DigitalMETDialogue – EMS Annual Meeting 2021 goes virtual.
The EMS is announcing that its Annual Meeting 2021, planned to be held in Barcelona, Spain, will instead take place entirely online. Taking into account the uncertainty about the pandemic situation into late summer, possible travel restrictions, and limitations and difficulties at the venue, the EMS Council took the decision to move the meeting online to provide clarity at this stage. Barcelona is envisaged as the venue for the EMS2024.
The meeting dates are kept to the planned week of 6 to 10 September 2021, with a Introductory/Opening Day on Friday 3 September, with strategic talks, welcome, icebreaker and other networking events, including special events for early career scientists.
Abstract submission is expected to start at the end of February or early March. More details will become available at ems2021.eu.
On the overall format of the Annual Meeting
- The conference will be concentrated into one week.
- An Introductory/Opening Day will be held on Friday 3 September. This will include some strategic lectures, an award ceremony, ice-breaker events and networking opportunities for early-career scientists.
- The number of parallel sessions will be basically the same as for a physical meeting to avoid as much as possible overlap conflicts. The final number of parallel sessions will depend on the number of abstract submissions.
- The aim will be to have conference days with a recurrent structure throughout the week:
- Keynotes/strategic plenaries will start at 9:15 and last 30 minutes including question & discussions time;
- There will be two time blocks of two hours per day: one in the morning and one in the afternoon, with a one and a half hour lunch break in between;
- Directly following each session block interactive rooms for each of the sessions will be arranged for free discussions, where participants can chat with whoever they meet;
- Iinteractive rooms will also be organised for networking during breaks and possibly at the end of the day.
More details on the format will be made available on the conference page.
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