Tran Thao Linh
TV Weather Forecast on Super Typhoon Haiwan by Tran Thao Linh, Vietnam, wins award.
Ten video clips of TV weather forecasts were submitted for the Award, six of the entries were received from countries outside of Europe. The selection committee choose the forecast produced by Tran Thao Linh to receive the award.
The entry was a good mixture of forecast details and practical information for viewers as Super Typhoon Haiwan approached Vietnam. Producer Tran Thao Linh, who is a meteorologist with a master’s degree, did an excellent job of putting the enormity of the typhoon in context by showing a video of the storm in the Philippines, and comparing it in size and strength to other well-known storms. The parameters of the storm and its forecast track were delivered in a calm but authoritative tone. The presentation included examples of what residents could do to prepare for the impending storm’s landfall.
The Awardee
Tran Thao Linh is a meteorologist with a master’s degree. She is acting manager of the Meteorological Information Department, Weather and Disaster Broadcasting, Vietnam Television, and a producer of daily weather forecast programs and disaster breaking news. She is senior editor of weather and disaster warning programs, and also a field reporter in extreme weather and disaster news.
Among the entries two more excellent presentations were selection to receive an Honourable Mention:
- Denislava Banova, Nova Broadcasting Group (Bulgaria)
- Bo Yee Poon, anchor on weather news programs for both CCTV News and Xinhua World News (China)
Both forecasts are displayed in the Best Practice section.