African Met Society 1st General Assembly 11 May
The African Meteorological Society (AfMS) has been established and formally registered in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on the 1st March 2022.
The main objective now is to operationalize the Society’s activities. Thus, the first General Assembly (GA-01) meeting will be held on 11 May 2022 at 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada). The objective of that meeting is to brief participants about the activities that have so far been implemented, plans for future activities and invite people to commit and contribute to these activities.
The PRs of the African National Meteorological and Hydrological Services and all other current and possible future friends of AfMS are invited to this meeting. We hope that through this meeting we will be able to convince those African countries which do not yet have an NMSoc to create one to take advantage of the activities of AfMS because only NMSocs can become full members of AfMS. Please find see below the AfMS First General Assembly agenda.
- Welcome by IFMS President and Summary of Events up to the first GA.
- Welcome by the Board Chairman
- Proposal to GA for having the following officers of the Board act as corresponding officers of the GA for all future GAs:
– Chairman
– Vice chairman
– Executive Director (Secretary) - Approval of AfMS membership application (The Board chairman would have already approved the applications and should report this to the GA).
- Approval of the amended AfMS Constitution.
- Election of additional Board Members.
- Development of Committees to operate AfMS.
- AfMS activity report by the Board Chairman.
- AfMS Audit and financial Report by the Auditor (at this time there will not be a report since no financial activity has taken place).
- AfMS planned activities and Budget requirement for 2022-2023 budget year (to be prepared and presented by the Executive Director).
- Approval of Chairman’s Report, planned activities and Budget for 2023.
- Any other Business
- Closure of the Meeting.
To participate please register at
After registering, confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting will be sent.
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