9th Challenges in Meteorology
The main topic of the 9th Challenges in Meteorology, held in Zagreb, Croatia on 16 and 17 November 2023, was “The importance of agrometeorology in supporting the agricultural sector”.
In times of climate change with more extreme weather events, agrometeorology becomes more and more important. Especially during the first day of the conference the ways how agrometeorology can respond to the needs of farmers in efficient food production were discussed and the latest scientific achievements in the fields of meteorology, climatology, applied meteorology, environmental protection and sustainable development were exchanged. The day closed with talks about meteorological extremes and their impacts.
The second day was dedicated to climate change and adaption, weather forecasts, applied meteorology, and air quality. The conference was open to all users and providers of meteorological information as another goal of the event was to strengthen the communication of the scientific sector with the users of meteorological data and products, the general public and the media.
The scientific programme consisted of 48 talks and 12 posters, including two invited speakers: Joan Cuxart Rodamilans (University of the Balearic Islands, Mallorca, Spain) and Željka Stone (New Mexico Tech., Climate and Weather Consortium, New Mexico, USA).
The event attracted 129 participants onsite and 16 participants online from 14 countries around the globe.
- Recordings of the different sessions are available from the HMD YouTube channel
The detailed programme and the book of abstracts are available on the website of the 9th Challenges in Meteorology.
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