Andrea Oestreich
Andrea Oestreich works at the EMS Office since May 2011.
Andrea graduated in meteorology at the Free University of Berlin. Her diploma thesis dealt with cloud classification from satellite data. As a scientist, mainly at the Institute for Meteorology in Berlin, she related satellite-derived cloud classifications to conventional precipitation data.
For a number of years, Andrea has been working as a freelance expert, focused on the determination of cloud type and amount from satellite data as well as on analysis of Sahelian rainfall in the context of regional development and on combining conventional rainfall measurements with satellite-derived rainfall amount (TRMM) for Sudan.
Andrea has been a member of the German Meteorological Society (DMG) for more than 20 years, and in 2009 she was elected to the office of Treasurer of the Berlin-Brandenburg regional DMG-section. She is also a member of the Belgian Société Royale Belge d’Astronomie, de Météorologie et de Physique du Globe.
Andrea is responsible for EMS Membership accounting and award applications.