Outstanding Poster Award 2018 for Peter Kalverla

Poster by Peter Kaverla, selected for the Outstanding Poster Award 2018
Poster by Peter Kaverla, selected for the Outstanding Poster Award 2018

The selection committee decided to assign the Outstanding Poster Award 2018 to Peter Kalverla of the University of Wageningen in the Netherlands, for the Poster A North Sea climatology of anomalous wind events.


This outstanding poster describes a new way to define realistic inflow fields based on weather pattern clustering to be used for the computation of energy production with off-shore wind turbines instead of idealized wind conditions. The topic is explained with a series of simple illustrations and very short texts while minimizing the use of acronyms. The fact that the method is not described in great detail was considered as a positive and innovative aspect, as it fosters the interaction with the authors. The QR-Code in the right upper corner of the poster leads to the corresponding scientific publication providing more information. The result of this work has the potential to generate a benefit to the production of wind energy and, with that, a benefit to society. This could have been emphasized a bit more in the poster with one or two additional sentences. This is a minor point, as altogether the poster shows a good balance between the science and the visualization. It was considered a good example of engaging the intended audience.

Selection Process

The Outstanding Poster Award is attributed to posters which stand out for a clear communication of scientific content also to non-specialists of the presented topic. The selection committee therefore pays special attention to a clear and concise text structured in an intuitive way. An attractive graphical representation, with an equilibrated use of fonts, colours and graphical elements helps also to attract the attention of scientists of other fields of expertise. Posters which embed the presented work in a larger context are given special attention by the selection committee.

This year, only posters which actively applied for the award were judged. The quality of the 46 posters competing for the Outstanding Poster Award in 2018 was generally high. The selection committee had to consider several criteria in order to find a consensus on the poster to be awarded.

The Select Committee consisted of the following people:

  • Saskia Willemse – Chair (MeteoSwiss, Switzerland)
  • Marie Doutrioux-Boucher (EUMETSAT)
  • Sven-Erik Gryning (DaMS, Denmark)
  • István Ihász (OMSZ, Hungary)
  • Tony Wardle (Met Office, UK)


The author(s) will receive a certificate, one registration fee waiver for the EMS Annual Meeting 2019 in Copenhagen where the award will be handed over, and the poster will be highlighted on the EMS website as an example of Best Practice.


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