EMS Annual Meetings: Conference TV
EMS Annual Meeting 2018, Budapest
At the EMS2018 in Budapest, Emily Gleeson (Chair of the Liaison Committee) and Tanja Cegnar (Chair of the Media and Communication Team) interviewed conference participants and organisors.
All videos were published on the EMS Facebook Channel and on YouTube:
More interviews are available:
Audio recordings of Plenary Presentations
The following Sessions were recorded
- Opening Session – Webcast (YouTube)
- Awards session – Webcast (YouTube)
- Plenary Keynotes UP – Webcast (YouTube)
- Plenary Keynotes ES – Webcast (YouTube)
- Plenary Keynotes OSA – Webcast (YouTube)
- Session ES2.1: Communication and media – Webcast Part 1 (YouTube) & webcast part 2
Conference TV at EMS Annual Meeting 2017, Dublin
InVision Communications, a global TV production company, has partnered with the EMS to produce the official broadcast for the EMS Annual Meeting 2017 in Dublin.
InVision has covered some of the plenary sessions like the opening, the awards session and the plenary keynote presentations, and conducted numerous interviews with the new EMS President, the Poster Award Winner 2016, some of the winners of the Young Scientist Travel Awards to attend this meeting, and a number of other participants and presenters.
Highlights of the EMS2017 Opening day
Opening day
Interviews with
- Ewen McCallum, EMS Council
- Bob Riddaway, EMS President 2017–2020
- Sylvain Joffre, Chair of the EMS Committee on Meetings
- Julie Berckmanns, Poster Award Winner 2016
- Inna Gubenko, Young Scientist Travel Award recipient
- Rebecca Hemmingway, Weather Impact Scientist UK Met Office
- Jennifer Rourke, Dep. Chief Meteorologist UK Met Office
Recorded Sessions
More footage of earlier conferences and interviews is available on the EMS YouTube Channel.
Conference TV: films on research institution shown at the EMS2017 in Dublin
As a part of the Conference TV project, the company had offered research institutions the opportunity to have a high quality film produced to highlight their key programmes, research and technologies. These films were broadcast to the attendees at the EMS Annual Meeting during the conference week and are available online:
- The Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC) at the University of Maryland
- The Center for Climate & Air Pollution Studies (C-CAPS) at NUI Galway
- The National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (NIED)
- The Irish Climate Analysis and Research UnitS (ICARUS) at Maynooth University
- The Centre for Research into Atmospheric Chemistry (CRAC) at University College Cork