Sorin Cheval

Sorin Cheval (photo private)

Dr. Sorin Cheval is a climatologist with a background in Geography.
He received his Ph.D. degree in Geography, from the Romanian Academy. Since 2014, he is the main convener of the Urban Climate and Biometeorology of the European Geophysical Union (EGU). Areas of research focus include improving the integrated use of remote sensing and other data in monitoring the urban climate and assessing the urban heat island impact, climate variability, and climate hazards. Dr. Cheval has a consistent experience in leading research projects, and he published many of his results in outstanding international journals. Since 2017, Dr. Sorin Cheval is the President of the Romanian Association for Applied Meteorology and Education (ARMAE), and since September 2020 he is Director for Applied Meteorology at National Meteorological Administration of Romania.
More details about his professional carreer may be found at

The Societies in Romania – Societatea Meteorologică Românăto (SMR) and Asociația Română de Meteorologie Aplicată și Educație (ARMAE) have been elected to be represented on the EMS Council for the term autumn 2020–autumn 2023.
In the first half of the term Sorin Cheval (ARMAE) will be the Representative and Andrei Meda Daniela (SMR) the Deputy Representative; in the second half of this term the roles will be reversed.