Ernesto Rodriguez-Camino
Ernesto is fellow of the Spanish Meteorological Society (AME) and current member of its council. He was elected for three mandates as President of the AME. He is state meteorologist working until his recent retirement for the Spanish Agency of Meteorology (AEMET). Expert in atmospheric numerical modelling -particularly focused on surface processes and land-atmosphere interaction- and climate modelling. He was project leader at the Numerical Weather Prediction unit (AEMET) [1987-2005] and head of Climate Evaluation and Modelling [2005-2022] responsible for all activities in AEMET related with climate modelling from seasonal to century timescales. He was actively involved and participated in many activities, working groups, committees, etc. related with IPCC, UNFCCC, GFCS, WMO, ECMWF, etc. on behalf of AEMET. He has also participated and developed many EU and national projects related with modelling and climate change areas of activity. After his official retirement from AEMET [2022], he is maintaining activity within the Spanish Meteorological Society (AME) and collaborating with different research groups.