Cathy Hohenegger

W2 group leader (equivalent to an associate professor) at the Max Planck Institute of Meteorology
Cathy Hohenegger recently received her habilitation at the University of Hamburg. Her research focuses on precipitating convection. She aims to better understand the processes that control the lifecycle and spatial distribution of precipitation, as well as to assess the relevance of such small-scale processes for setting larger-scale properties of the atmosphere. In this context, she has been especially fascinated by interactions between the land surface and convection as well as by the role of cold pools. Given her interests, she is strongly involved in the development and use of next-generation weather and climate models that are run at kilometer-scale grid spacing. (photo: private)
Cathy Hohenegger is a member of the Hans Ertel Center for Weather Research, a research network between German institutes and the German Weather Service. Through this network, she initiated a field experiment called FESSTVaL to observe the summertime atmosphere at kilo and sub-kilometer scales over a mesoscale area around Lindenberg.
Cathy Hohenegger will give the Keynote Presentation of the Programme Stream Understanding Weather & Climate Processes:
“FESSTVaL: connecting dense surface networks, supersites and citizen to catch atmospheric variability at kilo- and subkilo-meter scales”