News Room

First MÉRA Reanalysis Workshop

Over the past few years researchers at Met Éireann have produced a climate reanalysis dataset, called MÉRA – Met Éireann Reanalysis, for the period 1981-2017 for an area covering Ireland, the UK and northern France. Climate[more]

Weather Photography

Weather photography is a lot of fun, and even more rewarding when you’re a meteorologist. Use your knowledge and passion to your advantage, and take some great photos of the weather. Here are some tips[more]

EMS Young Scientist Award 2018 for Georgios Varlas

The EMS Young Scientist Award 2018 is awarded to Georgios Varlas, Department of Geography, Harokopio University of Athens, Greece, for his publication: “Implementation of a two-way coupled atmosphere-ocean wave modeling system for assessing air-sea interaction[more]

EMS Tromp Award 2018 to Fiorella Acquaotta

Award for an outstanding achievement in biometeorology

The EMS Tromp Award for an outstanding contribution in bioemeteorology 2018 will be presented to Fioralla Acquaotta, Italy, nominated with the paper: “Role of climate in the spread[more]