New President of the Geophysical Society of Finland: Irene Suomi

photo: Irene Suomi; copyright owned by Finnish Meteorological Institute
copyright: Finnish Meteorological Institute

Irene Suomi has been elected as the new President of the Geophysical Society of Finland. Irene has worked as a researcher at the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) since 2008. She completed her PhD in meteorology in 2017 on “Wind gusts in the atmospheric boundary layer” and currently works in the Polar Meteorology and Climatology group at FMI. Her research interests include micrometeorology and boundary layer processes, especially at high latitudes, both in the Arctic and the Antarctic.

The Geophysical Society of Finland (GSF) embraces, in addition to meteorology and atmospheric science, other fields of geophysics: solid earth, water (oceanography, hydrology) and near space. GSF has a long history, having been founded in 1926 and has been publishing its journal Geophysica since 1935. GSF brings together scientists from different fields of geophysics by organising seminars about 8-9 times a year, as well as a two-day conference called the Geophysics Days every second year. The conference location is rotated between Helsinki and northern Finland, in order to reach scientists all over the country. The next Geophysics Days conference will be organised in northern Finland in spring 2019.

The greatest challenges of the GSF today are related to how to increase membership, which is now at about 200, and finding ways to reach out beyond the practitioner community. This requires active communication on cross-cutting topics that can bring scientists from different fields of geophysics together. This is particularly important as our society is looking for solutions to environmental challenges that typically involve all the disciplines of geophysical sciences.


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