Norwegian Geophysical Society
Established: 1918
Number of members (Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences): 60
President: Thomas Spengler
Purpose & objectives:
Anyone with a genuine interest in geophysics can join the Norwegian Geophysical Society. The Society is made up of enthusiasts, practitioners, students, and scientists from across all fields in geophysics. The Norwegian Geophysical Society is also the adhering body in Norway for the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG).
The Norwegian Geophysical Society focuses on advancing the understanding of geophysical sciences and its applications, for the benefit of all.
Main activities:
- Organisation of the biannual General Assembly
- Organisation of topical seminars and excursions
- Promote education on all aspects of geophysical sciences
- Publication of Geophysica Norvegica from 1921-1985
Recent news and activities:
The Norwegian Geophysical Society organised its First General Assembly 19-21 June 2024 in Bergen.
Contact information:
Norsk Geofysisk Forening
c/o Thomas Spengler
Geophysical Institute
Postboks 7803
5020 Bergen
E-Mail: post [at]