Magyar Meteorológiai Társaság


Established: 1925
Number of members: 325
President: Mónika Lakatos

Purpose & objectives:

The basic object of MMT is the study of meteorology improving the general education, disseminating meteorological knowledge, the environmental mentality and new scientific results.

The MMT is organized in seven professional divisions (Agro- and Biometeorology; Atmospheric Dynamics; Atmospheric Environment; Aviation Meteorology; Climatology; Solar- and Wind Energy; Róna Zsigmond Youth Club) and five local section (Szombathely, Pécs, Szeged, Debrecen, Nyíregyháza).

Main activities:

  • Organization Lecture Meetings, Workshops, and Conferences.
  • Organization of Bi-annual Meeting of the MMT.
  • Celebration of the World Meteorological Day (co-organizing with OMSZ – Hungarian Meteorological Service).
  • Organization of the Hungarian Meteorological Scientific Days (co-organizing with OMSZ).
  • The publication “LÉGKÖR” is distributed to members.
  • Collaboration with the Department of Meteorology of the University of Debrecen on organizing triannual conference “Forest and Climate”.
  • Organization of the “Grape and Climate” Conference.
  • Founding member of the “Community of Earth Sciences Civil Organizations” in Hungary.
  • Thomas Foken and Pavol Nejedlík have recently been elected as honorary member of MMT.
  • Organization of “Medical Meteorology Conference”, every odd year (co-organizing with the Hungarian Balneological Society and the Hungarian Society of Hygiene)

Recent news and activities:

Contact information:

Secretary General: Hajnalka Breuer

Kitaibel P. u. 1.
H-1024 Budapest
Tel: +36 1 346-4780