Journal of the EMS: first papers out!

In April 2024 the EMS has launched the Journal of the European Meteorological Society (JEMS) in order to advance the visibility of the EMS and to start a European platform to share research outcomes in atmospheric sciences and operational meteorological. We are happy to announce the first articles have been published, and are available through open access! These articles are part of a Special Section to honor Prof. Ehrhard Raschke. They are summary papers which also feature an outlook into what might come or should be done. Here a quick summary on the content of the papers:

Soon the first articles dedicated to the 25-year anniversary of the EMS will appear online too!

Potential authors are invited and encouraged to contribute to JEMS by submitting articles. This is particularly attractive until January 1st 2025 since JEMS offers a 100% APC waiver, so your publication will be free of charge!


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