Exeter, UK

Tipping Points – From climate crisis to positive transformation

The meeting is a ‘call to action’ to form an alliance to improve warnings of the proximity of catastrophic climate tipping points and to accelerate positive tipping points to avert the climate crisis.

The programme will cover the latest developments in both negative and positive tipping points, at scales from local to global, and from theory to practice. It will consider the risks from climate tipping points and opportunities for positive tipping points for different regions, communities, sectors, and supply chains.

How long is left in the ‘safe zone’? Hear the latest science on the proximity to global climate tipping points and risks in the biosphere and societies. Improve the risk assessment of climate tipping points through early warning systems.

How to stay in the ‘safe zone’? Identify opportunities for transformative action through positive tipping points. Develop new approaches for triggering positive tipping points and convene coalitions of partners and resources for implementation.

This is an in-person meeting with a small number of talks live-streamed for virtual audiences. The programme will involve ‘state-of-the-art’ plenaries and workshops to advance the research and action agendas.