Virtual meeting

RMetS Atmospheric Science Conference

The Atmospheric Science Conference (ASC) provides a unique opportunity to bring together the UK atmospheric science community.

The ASC supports the community to share sector-wide updates, inspire new ideas, and form collaborations. The ASC creates a space to discuss ground-breaking discoveries, global context, multidisciplinary work, and scientific applications.

It is an important opportunity to think collectively about the future, and recognise the ways our community is addressing the societal challenges of climate change, air pollution and weather hazards.

The ASC is committed to nurturing an inclusive atmospheric science community, and working to achieve environmental sustainability across its activities. Our approach includes removing barriers to participation, and offering a range of ways to contribute and be involved.

More information or to register for the event can be found here: Atmospheric Science Conference 2022-23: Atmospheric Science for Society | Royal Meteorological Society (rmets.org)