
EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference 2021

Due to the current COVID-19 restrictions, the 2021 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference will take place virtually.

Over the years, the EUMETSAT User conference has become a key annual event for the meteorological and scientific communities where participants from around the world can meet to share their experience and knowledge during plenary, poster and workshop sessions.

The 2021 conference will discuss such topics as status of meteorological satellite systems and future evolutions, the impact of satellite data in nowcasting and short-range NWP (joint session with ECMWF), agrometeorology, oceanography, greenhouse gases monitoring, and evolving data services. A particular emphasis will be placed on first results from Jason-CS/Sentinel-6, MTG and EPS-SG user preparation for using satellite data for nowcasting and short-range NWP, and the special event:  CDOP4 approved – exploring the future activities of the Satellite Application Facilities (SAF).

Session Topics

Whether on an urban or planetary scale, covering time scales of a few minutes or a few decades, the societal need for more accurate weather, climate, water, and environmental information has led to a more seamless generation and delivery of weather and climate services.

This challenge, at the intersection of technology, science and society’s need, is calling for an even more important role of space agencies in shaping the future observational backbone.

The 2021 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite conference intends to convene communities working across observational science, earth system prediction, sectorial applications and emerging technologies. The overarching questions that will guide our interactions are:

  • Could we further explore user’s needs and envisage future requirements?
  • What are the scientific breakthroughs that will change the way we measure and predict the Earth System?
  • What are the new scientific/technical projects space agencies should invest on?
  • What are the barriers for future exploitation of remote-sensing data?

The abstract submission deadline has expired.