EGU General Assembly 2021
The EGU General Assembly 2021, traditionally held each spring in Vienna, Austria, will instead take place entirely online due to the continuing risks posed by the coronavirus pandemic and the resulting restrictions on international travel. While the organisers deeply regret another missed opportunity to meet with colleagues and friends in person next year, they’re committed to graciously accepting circumstances that are beyond our control and continuing the Union’s efforts to minimize the impacts of COVID-19 on Earth, planetary, and space science research.
EGU is therefore excited to announce that it will instead host vEGU21: Gather Online (#vEGU21). This virtual event will be an entirely different experience from last year’s meeting, Sharing Geoscience Online, which the organisers had just five weeks to plan. vEGU21 will provide a much more complete representation of the experience that EGU members enjoy at the annual meeting in Vienna.