Course: Damage assessment of extreme wind events
ESSL Research and Training Centre offers a new workshop: Target groups are weather service employees, the insurance sector, interested scientists, and emergency managers. Until now, knowledge on windstorm damage assessment techniques is rather limited in Europe.
With its new IF-Scale, a recently developed damage rating app, and practical experience from field works after many windstorm, downburst and tornado events, the ESSL is now able to offer both a comprehensive theoretical concept and practicals to interested parties. Sound estimates of maximum windspeeds are vital, especially for convective events, and the essential basis for any further climatology, statistics and science.
During the course, one can learn preparedness for and organization of damage assessment field trips, the application of the IF-Scale to fresh and past evidence, post-event analysis and high-quality ratings of damaging events. This forensic meteorology course is unique and will deal with wooden plants and manmade structures. Distinction between straight-line winds and tornadoes is part of the curriculum.