Climate change & Water: Extremes
The 3rd international Conference “Climate change & Water” will be held in Tours (France) from May 31 to June 2, 2022. Météo et Climat is a partner of this conference.
- Conference website:
The international symposium Climate change & Water 2022 under the theme of extremes will be held on May 31 and June 1 and 2, 2022, in Tours in the Centre-Val de Loire region of France. This international conference is open to the academic world and to socio-economic partners concerned by the variability of the water cycle and adaptation to extreme events.
The purpose of this call for papers is to orient the reflection and exchanges not only on the observation of the acceleration of the physical, chemical, biological and ecological effects of climate change but also on the proposed adaptation strategies at the local level. Adaptations in response to observed or anticipated changes may be related to specific disciplinary fields (ecology, biology, technological innovation, hydrology and social sciences) or may be transversal (environmental management, resource management). Feedback on concrete case studies and specific success stories will be particularly welcome during this conference. In addition, as water, energy, food and ecosystems form an interconnected nexus that plays a central role in the provision of resources and services necessary to sustain human activity, studies proposing how this nexus is affected by climate change, precipitation and land cover as well as by economic development, agriculture and urban growth will be highly valued.
By illustrating the diversity of impacts of climate extremes on the water cycle, the objective of the conference is to understand how water issues are understood, from the ecosystem to the large region, through the different functional and institutional or socio-political scales (Region, Department, Communities of communes, Water Agency, but also city, neighborhood, consumer associations …). The objective will be to share the state of knowledge, the obstacles and the drivers of adaptation between the different actors.
Please find more details in the attached call for abstract.[pdf].