9th Conference on Econometric Models of Climate Change
The 9th Conference on Econometric Models of Climate Change (EMCC) will take place at the University of Victoria (UVic), British Columbia, Canada, on 27 – 28 August 2025.
Invited are paper submissions that employ new econometric and statistical methods to understand socio-economic or environmental climate impacts, climate processes, climate policy, or climate finance. Papers that present challenges in climate science where statistical methods provide analytical insights, are especially welcome. The organisers also encourage submitters to the IJF special issue on forecasting to present their papers.
The conference is generously supported by the Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions (PICS).
The call for papers is now open! The deadline for abstract submission is 17 April 2025.
Please submit your abstract (or full paper) by 17 April 2025 via email to one of the conference organisers:
Marina Friedrich (VU Amsterdam) m.friedrich@vu.nl
Eric Hillebrand (Aarhus) ehillebrand@econ.au.dk
Felix Pretis (UVic – local organiser 2025) fpretis@uvic.ca
Tommaso Proietti (U. degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”) tommaso.proietti@uniroma2.it
Conference website: https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.tinyurl.com/emcc2025uvic__;!!KGKeukY!xk7k49QXl9hmSLKw5AJ4WsTwdl6N8Mq8wqw5wJNMeOmZ01S1QdfDRl-rdRmb0NU8fRSJ3ajm_rlvGL5ENNZm$