Trieste, Italy

6th Summer School on Theory, Mechanisms and Hierachical Modelling of Climate Dynamics

6th Summer School on Theory, Mechanisms and Hierachical Modelling of Climate Dynamics:
Artificial Intelligence and Climate Modelling in Trieste, Italy

5 – 16 May 2025, Trieste, Italy

Scientific Organising Committee: Franco Molteni (ECMWF), Serafina Di Gioia (ICTP)

Local organizers: F. Kucharski, R. Farneti, A.M. Tompkins

The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) is organizing
the above school and open science workshop at ICTP, Trieste, Italy from 5 to 16 May 2025

The topics addressed in the workshop are:

  • General introduction to AI/ML techniques.
  • Review of state-of-the art of AI developments in global and regional Weather and Climate Modelling.
  • AI/ML applications in Climate Modelling.
  • Can AI be used to generate larger ensembles from physical simulations with just few members?
  • Can AI replace physical numerical models on sub-seasonal to multi-decadal time scales for climate applications?
  • AI for physical parametezations: parameter calibration or full-AI modules?
  • AI models and convection-peremitting physical models: Complementary or contradictory?
  • Testing AI methods in an intermediate complexity modelling framework.

Encouraged to apply are postgraduate students as well as scientists at all levels with background in Climate Science and/or AI.